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Payment Proposal Parameters

BillurSamdancioglu Profile Picture BillurSamdancioglu 13,216 Super User

It is commonly asked, how the payment proposal is generated.

Generation path is very basic but it is important what you would like to achieve during the proposal from the system.

 This is why I would like to o over the parameters on the payment proposal of the system in this blog.

1. Parameters: On proposal you can select how you would like to filter your transactions. There is a from and to date filtering. If you do not fill any data, then all data will appear. There can be no from date and just to date filtering or via verse. I mostly use to date and leave from date blank to be able to see the invoices that are not paid. For the date criteria, you can have the parameter as to looked for per due date, cash discount date or both. You may select what should be the minimum payment date. System will set the date you select in the parameter if there is any date before the date selected. Amount limit is the amount you want to pay in that journal. System will not offer more of the amount that is filled in this parameter. If create payments without invoice preview is the parameter is used if you do not need to edit any transaction in between the creation of the journal lines, system will create the journal lines directly. On journal lines, you can still edit the lines.


2. Records to Include: Standard system parameter which you may filter vendor account, vendor group, currency etc.


3. Advanced Parameters:Advanced parameter are use for to have some more details on filtering. You can set specific payment currency, weekday, offset account type and offset account  for the journal line to be set auto. Also you can select a summarized payment date, so even there are different payment days for the transaction, only this date will be inserted in the journal as transaction date. Check vendor balance is used if there are open vendor transactions but balance is not credit, those transactions of the vendor will not be on the payment list. Delete negative payments is used for not o offer the transactions with debit amount. Print report only parameter lets you just print the payment report. If you have centralized payment setup, you can ask for the transactions appear on the proposals by to select include vendor invoices from centralized payments.If so, the seperation per legal entity selection is active and can be selected if there is a need per legal entity new line to be generated.


I think the only thing that is missing is to have the ability to create separate lines per dimension or the invoice dimensions to be automated on the payment lines.


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