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Affordable Care Act changes for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Terry R Heley Profile Picture Terry R Heley Microsoft Employee

Click HERE for an update on ACA with the GP 2013 year end update release.


What will Microsoft Dynamics GP do for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) changes mandatory for the 2015 year?

This is on many of your minds.  Below outlines some of these changes and how we intend to plan for the future. 

Keep in mind, these forms are NOT final as of yet, so we do not want to do a lot of work when items are not finalized.  What we need to get in place now is the tracking mechanisms for the future of the forms which are required next year end 2015.

There are two new forms that IRS released as draft:

1094-C – this is a summary the employer fills out of all the  employees that received the 1095-C.  A 1094-C should accompany any 1095-C ‘s to IRS.  It is a transmittal of Employer Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage Information Return

1095-C – this goes to the employee from the employer (like a W2) Employer Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage

Instructions - 

Forms 1094-C and 1095-C will be used by employers with 50 or more full-time employees or full-time equivalents to determine whether they are liable for penalties under the employer shared responsibility requirements of the ACA.  


When the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2014 year end update releases (target release end of November 2014) Microsoft Dynamics GP will support the ACA changes for versions of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 and beyond.  This means that Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 will not get the ACA changes, but they will still get the regular year end update changes.
Tax and Year end changes for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 will end on October 13, 2015.


New Tables for both GP2013 & GP2015

UPR40105-   upr1095Setup
This new table is designed for the purposes of filling out the boxes on the federal government's 1095 form.


We have these tables as master tables that can be updated throughout the year.

UPR00904 - uprMstrDependentACA  
UPR00905 - uprMstrEmployeeACA


UPR10108 - uprYearEndDependentACAHistory
It will be used by the year end close process and populated from the  uprMstrDependentACA table.  This can be edited by the user after year end close takes place.

UPR10109 -  uprYearEndEmployeeACAHistory
It will be used by the year end close process and populated from the uprMstrEmployeeACA table.  This can be edited by the user after year end close takes place         


Existing table changes for both GP2013 & GP2015

BE010130 -     HR - HR_Benefit_MSTR
BE020230    - HR_Benefit_SETP
UPR10100 - UPR_Year_End_WORK_HDR


If you start to look at the form, you will notice it has checkboxes for each month.  This does indicate you need the update installed ASAP in January to start tracking.  This also leaves the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 customers in limbo as they may upgrade during the year end still not be able to use this functionality.  Do not fear we have this covered :-)  There will be an edit window off the year-end edit W2 window which will allow you to "edit" this information, just like you do today with the W2 to make sure it is correct before submitting.  This will then allow customers to edit any months that are not marked as covered for their employees.

Here are a few of the windows:

A new field will be added to the Dependent window to choose Covered or Not Covered.
When you install the update, we will mark all your dependents in the system Covered and you can change as necessary.  This is a required field.



These ACA fields will be added to the Benefit Setup in Human Resource to act as a roll down as well as the employee benefit window. 



The look up's of the benefit windows will give you pre-determined list of Affordable Care Act Codes




These last changes are for the year and will not be all built out this year, but we look to make these changes later in the 2015 calendar year, but it will put together the entire ACA changes for you.  When you create the year end wage file for the 2015 year (next year) all the information you have been tracking will be accumulated to the year end tables, just as we do W2 information.  Below you will see two new buttons 1095-C and Dependents.


Below are 2 new windows to allow 1095-C editing capability, will be populated from the year end close process and tracking from the year.



Now that you have viewed the forms, reviewed the instructions and previewed the window changes, you are probably noticing many of the changes are made in Human Resource.  Yes, Human Resource will be required for the ACA changes.  That is OK, Human Resource is free in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 and beyond so we need to start using it!

Well all of that was clear as mud!  I hope it will somewhat help tell you our initiative for ACA changes.

If you are a customer on Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010, please reach out to your partner on plans to upgrade.  Partners, if you feel overwhelmed, we are here to help and can assist with upgrade services for you, just email for assistance during this busy time.

If you have any questions, you know where to find me!

Terry Heley - non-ACA-expert, pumped for 2014 payroll year-end!!



*This post is locked for comments

  • Terry R Heley Profile Picture Terry R Heley Microsoft Employee
    Posted at

    Yes, you can create the form without running payroll.  Thanks  Terry

  • Community Member Profile Picture Community Member Microsoft Employee
    Posted at

    Hello Terry, we've been using HR but NOT Payroll module and it is our first time to check out GP 2015 for ACA reporting.  Can we use GP without the Payroll module to process ACA and print the 1094-C and 1095-C?  If so, please provide the necessary information.  

    Thank you!


  • Terry R Heley Profile Picture Terry R Heley Microsoft Employee
    Posted at

    We cannot advise as to what code should go where for ACA, if you have questions about ACA specifically, I encourage you to review the documentation.  Thanks

    Instructions -

  • Community Member Profile Picture Community Member Microsoft Employee
    Posted at

    Hi Terry,

    Your blog has been so helpful to me, thank you! I have the same question as Kelli and Wally. If an employee is Waiving coverage altogether, how should we track this information in GP so that our ACA reporting is correct?

  • Terry R Heley Profile Picture Terry R Heley Microsoft Employee
    Posted at

    Thanks for the comments on the blog.  We are not using the waived status for ACA tracking, we are using the ACA codes itself on the code, if we do not want to track the benefit plan as ACA, you would type in None in the ACA field.  Wally, all the status fields in HR do not correlate to active/inactive on the Payroll side, as each customer on the different status may want it a specific way, you can enter a suggestion in MSCONNECT to see this changed in the future.  Here is the link to the March blog that has detailed information around ACA and our last changes for the form, I would encourage you to install and review it, then create the year end to see how your ACA is tracking prior to year end.


    Terry Heley


  • Wally Dodds Profile Picture Wally Dodds 205
    Posted at


    Following up on Kelli's question, if the client has 4 separate Health Insurance plans (Employee, Employee +1, Employee Spouse, Family).  Do they need to update all of the Plans with 'Waived' or can they just pick the 'Employee' plan and flag that as 'Waived'?  Also I noticed that if you select 'Waived' as an example you get the standard Payroll Integration windows to open and they actually set the Deduction and Benefit as 'Active' with $ amounts.

    Essentially the behavior when selecting 'Waived' is not good as you could accidentally enable a Ded/Ben in Payroll.

    Would the preferred approach be to just update the Employee Dependent window with 'Waived' instead of messing with the Health Plans unless the employee enrolls in the plan?

    Just wondering proper steps.

    Thanks, Wally

  • Kmuphaus Profile Picture Kmuphaus
    Posted at

    In order to track employees that have waived or are not eligible, is it best to create a new benefit code ex: INSNEL & INSWAI or can we use the benefit status for existing Health Insurance codes?  Which is the best route to ensure the covered checkboxes will be correct at the end of 2015?

  • Terry R Heley Profile Picture Terry R Heley Microsoft Employee
    Posted at

    Hi Peggy, we have published a new blog that talks about this in the Q and A section.  We will be reviewing this for the March Hot fix when it releases.  Thanks

  • Community Member Profile Picture Community Member Microsoft Employee
    Posted at

    Terry,  What fields is GP going to use to populate the employee share (aka box 15 on the 1095-C)?  What if the employee selects a plan that is more expensive than the lowest cost plan?

  • Terry R Heley Profile Picture Terry R Heley Microsoft Employee
    Posted at

    That is correct Dee and Human Resource is FREE in GP 2013, yeah!!