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Exploring the Differences Between Shortcut Dimensions and Global Dimensions in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 5,659 Super User

Exploring the Differences Between Shortcut Dimensions and Global Dimensions in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central offers robust features to enhance financial reporting and analytics, with dimensions being a key tool for categorizing and analyzing data. Dimensions allow users to segment and track various business entities for more detailed financial analysis. In this blog post, we will delve into the differences between two types of dimensions: Global Dimensions and Shortcut Dimensions, highlighting how each type supports specific business needs in Business Central.

What are Dimensions in Business Central?

Dimensions in Business Central are attributes or labels used to categorize entries for reporting and analysis purposes, such as by department, project, or product line. They help in creating more insightful financial reports and allow businesses to track the performance of various segments effectively.

Global Dimensions

  1. Definition: Global Dimensions are the two most important dimensions that you expect to use most frequently and extensively in your reports and document filtering. They are available across the system and can be used in all main tables and journals.

  2. Accessibility: Since Global Dimensions are integrated deeply into Business Central, they are readily available for use in filters on lists, reports, batch jobs, and more. This integration enhances accessibility and simplifies their usage across various modules.

  3. Impact on Performance: Because Global Dimensions are part of the primary database tables, filtering and reporting using these dimensions are generally faster and more efficient than other dimensions.

  4. Limitation: Business Central allows only two Global Dimensions, which means businesses need to choose the two classifications that are most critical to their operational reporting and analysis.

Shortcut Dimensions

  1. Definition: Shortcut Dimensions provide additional dimension choices beyond the two Global Dimensions. These are set up to allow quick access through specific fields on pages and documents, such as sales orders or purchase invoices.

  2. Flexibility: Users can define up to eight Shortcut Dimensions, including the two Global Dimensions. This setup provides greater flexibility in tagging transactions with more specific or additional categorization as needed.

  3. User Interface: Shortcut Dimensions appear directly on document pages (like sales orders and purchase invoices), providing users easy access to tag transactions without navigating away from the transaction screens.

  4. Reporting and Filtering: While Shortcut Dimensions can be used in reports and document filtering, they are not as deeply integrated as Global Dimensions. This means that while they offer flexibility, using them can be slightly slower and may require more setup, such as adding them to page layouts or specific reports.

Practical Use Cases

  • Global Dimensions: Ideal for high-level financial tracking that is consistent across all business areas, such as by "Department" or "Location," which are universally applicable and critical for strategic decision-making.

  • Shortcut Dimensions: Best suited for more detailed tracking that may vary by document or transaction type, such as "Project" for a specific sales order or "Event" for marketing expenditures.

Configuring Dimensions in Business Central

Setting up and modifying dimensions in Business Central is straightforward. Navigate to the "Dimensions" page to set up or edit dimensions. For Global Dimensions, modify them through the "General Ledger Setup" to select the two dimensions you wish to use as Global. For Shortcut Dimensions, define which additional dimensions to include in your Shortcut Dimension fields through the "Dimensions" setup.


Understanding the differences between Global and Shortcut Dimensions in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is crucial for effective data segmentation and insightful financial analysis. By strategically utilizing these dimensions, businesses can enhance their reporting capabilities, better monitor various aspects of their operations, and make informed decisions based on comprehensive financial insights.


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