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AX 2012 Commonly Used Batch Jobs & Setup

BorisD Profile Picture BorisD 2,826

This article will explain some of the most commonly used batch jobs in AX 2012 and how to set them up. The main purpose of this article is so you have an idea of some commonly used Batch jobs, How to plan on setting up your Batch jobs and links needed to accomplish setting up your batch jobs. This can be helpful for Admins that are just about to implement AX 2012, or if you want to recreate batch jobs, in order to change the created by and executed by User accounts account.  

How to plan on setting up your Batch job:  

The best way to plan your batch jobs is this. If the batch job is going to run on a schedule, you should use a service account to setup it up. The built in Admin account is usually used for this, because it has System administration rights. Also, when performing the initial install, you should use the built in Admin account. That way, the two batch jobs created upon the completion of the initialization checklist, won't be under your AX user account. With this plan in mind you don’t have to worry about an employee leaving and you having to recreate batch jobs.

Automatic role assignment & Named user license count reports processing Batch Jobs: 


These 2 batch jobs are created at the same time during the AX install at completing the initialization checklist. If your AX admin or VAR did this for you while logged on with their own account. The job will show up with Created by and it will execute as that user who was logged on. This can be a problem with staff changes. If you disable that user account, that jobs will error out.  


If you need to recreate these 2 batch jobs or change the created by user account to the recommended built in Admin account or a service account, follow the instructions in the link below.  


E-mail distributor batch: 

System administration > Periodic > E-mail processing > Batch. 


This batch job is used to schedule how often you want to send emails. The emails are queued in AX until this batch job runs. This is mostly utilized for workflows notifications and Alert rules sent via email.  


This is assuming you have already setup the email functionality in AX. The link below is the complete guide on how to setup the email functionality and the batch job.  


Change based alerts Batch: 
System administration > Periodic > Alerts > Change based alerts.  

This batch job, just like its description says, will allow you to setup the frequency alerts based changes are sent. This batch job doesn’t setup the alert rules you want to send out. It just runs a batch that checks to see if you have alert rules setup and if the changes made since the batch was last run match your alert rules, it will send out the alert.  


Alerts that can be setup are updates to fields, the deletion of records, and the creation of records.  


I have included a link that will guide you through the setup process from beginning to end. It also shows an example of an Alert type that can be setup. With this you should have a good understanding of how it works and how to setup other rules on your own.  


Due date alerts Batch: 

System administration > Periodic > Alerts > Due date alerts. 


Just like the Changed based alerts, this batch job is setup to monitor due date alert rules. This is helpful if someone wants to monitor when something is delivered, monitor expiring quotations and confirmed receipt date.  


The batch only sets up the frequency alerts are sent. However, I have included 2 links below that will guide you through how to setup the batch job and how to setup the alert rules I mentioned above. 


Workflow message processing Batch: 

System administration > Setup > Workflow > Workflow infrastructure configuration. 


This Batch job is created once you have completed the configuration wizard. If this is your first time setting up this batch job you must first Create a batch group for the workflow system. In order to do this, go to System administration > Setup > Batch group.  


The link below will guide you through how to setup Batch groups and specify servers the Batch group will run on.  


If you want to recreate this Batch job to change the created by and executed by account to a new user, then you must first delete the existing Batch job, then run and complete the Workflow infrastructure configuration wizard. Make sure you are logged on with the user account you want to execute this Batch job with. This should be created with an AX service account that has System administration rights. Most often the built in Admin account is used for this.  


Workflow due date processing Batch: 

Procurement and sourcing > Periodic > Purchase orders > Batch job for delivery due date notification workflow. 


Once you have clicked Batch job for delivery due date notification workflow, 

fill out the form and since this is already a batch enabled form, it will have a tab for Batching. You can now setup the batching as required.  


Technet Description of this batch job: 

Use this form to set up batch jobs to notify employees in advance of an expected delivery of ordered products. The settings enable the workflow to notify the employee about a product delivery on a defined number of days before the actual delivery date. You define that number of days in this form. You also define whether to run the notifications by using batch jobs. 


For further explanation on how to use the options on this form see link below.  


Inventory recalculation Batch: 

Inventory management > Periodic > Closing and adjustment. Click Recalculation. 


Once you have clicked Recalculate, fill out the form and since this is already a batch enabled form, it will have a tab for Batching. You can now setup the batching as required.  


Technet Description of this batch job: 

Use this form to recalculate the inventory as of a given date without closing the inventory. This process matches inventory receipts and issues for the transactions that are not financially matched through inventory dimensions in order to determine the real value of the on-hand inventory. 


For further explanation on how to use the options on this form see link below.  


Currency Exchange rate Batch: 

General ledger > Periodic > Import currency exchange rates. 


This batch job is used to convert foreign currency into local currency. You only need this batch job if your companies that issue invoices in foreign currencies.  


The batch job automates the import of the currency exchange rate. You still have to actually setup Exchange rate providers.  


I have included a link below which has step by step setup of Exchange rates. 


Sales Invoice Batch:  

Accounts receivable > Periodic > Sales update > Invoice 


This batch job is used for posting invoices. This process can be scheduled in a batch to take out the manual process. Usually this will be scheduled at the end of the day, after all shipping has been completed.  


If you are going to schedule this in batch, it is important to select the Late Selection option so that the batch doesn’t attempt to go through all the already posted transactions. Also, print management should be utilized so that if the customer would like to receive their invoices via email AX will deliver it accordingly.  


I have included a link below that goes into depth on all the sales posting form. 

With proper planning you can setup your Batch jobs and not worry about them again. If the creation of Batch jobs are not planned out properly from the beginning, this can cause major loss of time and money for the company.


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