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Jingle All the Way to Profits: Why Pre-Holiday Sales Are A Secret Weapon?

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Why Pre-Holiday Sales Are A Secret Weapon

“Hey Mike, it’s almost 9:00 pm, don’t you wanna go home?”, Jim asked his fellow Sales Rep. “O Jim, At least you don’t ask me this question. You do know the pre-holiday rush, and, with my products at discounted prices, I have a million inquiries already”, said Mike. “O well, my situation is similar bro. Organizing meetings, scheduling for the week, finding client places, following up on good leads, finding similar leads nearby, I’m swamped too”, Jim echoed. “It is fun though, imagine the profits our company will earn”, he added. “True! But I feel, I would have been more efficient if I had an assisting tool to help me use my CRM better”, voiced Mike and Jim agreed!

I wish, this Christmas, Santa hears their wish and completes it sooner, as Maplytics is the perfect assistant they are searching for their Dynamics 365 CRM! Yup! Pre-holidays mean extra work for the Sales Team that needs to be wrapped up before the Holidays begin. It is an opportunity for the sales reps to shine and bask in the glory they bring to their company before the year ends. Imagine having an assistant to visualize all the newly added CRM Leads on the map. Being able to hover on the leads to get the client details and contacts. The ability to schedule meetings with them without having to search for directions to them, a ready graphical report of previous sales to present a strong sales pitch. Sounds like a Christmas Miracle. But it all can be achieved by Inogic’s 5-star rated geo-analytical app! Let’s have an in-depth look

Data Visualization

Suppose 40 new leads came in for a B2B perfume manufacturer and seller 3 weeks before the holidays. Checking out the entries in the CRM would be woozy. With integrated maps, the same can be plotted on a map and visualized with distinctive pushpins. The distance between them can be gauged. Their regions and areas can be studied. Sales figures in those areas for the previous years can also be checked. Hovering over the pushpins will display a quick information card for quick access. Competitor’s clients too can be viewed in that area.

Territory Management

Every business has sales territories defined in advance to avoid cannibalization and for the right assessment of performance. Once the leads and clients that have newly joined are visualized on the map, they could be assigned to the existing territories. With Maplytics, the new records get auto-assigned...Read More

This was originally posted here.


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