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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / MSCRM Daily / MSCRMDaily 2015 in Review

MSCRMDaily 2015 in Review

2015 was the first year I took blogging a little bit seriously, the main goals where to be more active participating and engaging with the community.

It was a lot of fun and an interesting learning curve. Finding time for the posts has been a challenge as it’s easy for it to go down on the priority list when “push comes to shove”, but so far it has been worthwhile, and hopefully some of the posts where useful to some of you.

MSCRMDaily’s 2015 blog post by the numbers

  1. + 6000 views
  2. + 3700 individual visitors
  3. Most views source: USA, +2000 views
  4. Most popular blog post: CRM Developer Tools in Visual Studio 2015 viewed +1400 times
  5. N. Months actively blogging: 4 Months (from February to June, with a few breaks along the way)
  6. N. of posts: 19
  7. Avg. posts/month: 4.75
  8. 2 Likes
  9. 16 Comments

I will continue the blog during 2016, and aim to improve on my participation as much as I can.

I’m looking forward to feedback form the community as well, any posts you would like more detail to be added, or any topics you would like to see addressed, feel free to contact me on tweeter (@MSCRMDaily) and/or through the blog


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