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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / MSCRM Daily / CRM Developer Tools in Visu...

CRM Developer Tools in Visual Studio 2015

It seems CRM Developer Tools are not getting much love from Microsoft lately.

The versions available for CRM 2013 where only for VS2013 and V2012 It’s not been release as part in CRM 2015 SDK yet.

…and VS 2015 is just around the corner…

But there is always a way, ;)…

There are known work around (e.g.: Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 Toolkit with Visual Studio 2013) to make this work on VS2013 but I found none so far to deal with VS2015.

After looking around and doing some tests I found a MVW (Minimum Viable Workaround, ;)) to make this work. Two simple steps should do it, as per below:

  • Add the below to devenv.exe.config

  • Install Microsoft.CrmDeveloperToolsVS2015.vsix (my own version with just a view tweaks considering the workaround for VS2013, as per blog linked above)


  • Needless to say that this a completely unsupported workaround, do it at your own risk
  • This was done on the Current VS2015 RC1 (Release Candidate), it might not work on former of future releases.


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