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GP 2015 R2 Feature List - All in One View

This comes out as one of the most astonishing features introduced in GP 2015 R2, it provides an effective and efficient way of reviewing vendor-related documents in an easy, user-friendly and dynamic way. 

The theoretical concept beyond designing this window is to provide one central window to review vendor associated documents, including all purchasing documents; purchase orders, receipts, invoices, payments, return and credit documents.
All in One View - Purchasing Module
All in one view for the purchasing module can be reached from a various windows, which are:
  • Vendor Maintenance (Cards > Purchasing > Vendor)
  • Vendor Inquiry (Inquiry > Purchasing > Vendor)
  • Purchase Order Processing Document Inquiry (Inquiry > Purchasing > Purchase Order Documents) 
  • Purchase Order Processing Item Inquiry (Inquiry > Purchasing > Purchase Order Items)
  • Transaction by vendor inquiry (Inquiry > Purchasing > Transaction by Vendor)
  • Transaction by Document inquiry (Inquiry > Purchasing > Transaction by Document)
  • Navigation Lists:
    • Vendors
    • All Purchasing Transactions
    • Payable Transactions
    • Purchase Order Transactions 
In any of the windows above, there is a new icon added to the ribbon to open the All-in-one view for purchasing, an example is shown below for the payable transaction inquiry window,
All in one view - Icon (Action Pane)

In case the menu bar is activated instead of the action pane, the icon is illustrated as shown below:
All in one view - Icon ( Menu Bar)
Window Components
The window has a variety of components, which are all dedicated to provide a better user experience. These components are briefly illustrated below
All in one view - Details
1- Options:
This window gives you the ability to choose which document type to show within the window, you may want to create your custom view including only POs and receipts or payments ..etc.
Purchasing Options

2- Filter 
Each purchasing document tab has its own filter, through which you can consider specific search criteria to find specific documents. 
3- Sorting Options
If you want to order the listed documents either in an ascending or descending way, these two arrows will do the sorting for each of the purchasing document types. 
Sorting Options
4- Dynamic View
When choosing a specific vendor, the view will retrieve all purchasing documents according to the search criteria. If you want to limit the view as illustrated in the example below:

               - Payments to specific PO
               - Receipts on a specific PO
               - Invoices on a specific PO
               - ....etc
 In such cases, the all in one view provides a dynamic capability to filter by a specific document, and the other document types tabs will be filter to show only the documents related to your original choice.

As shown below, choosing a specific PO will result with the following view:
Dynamic View
 5- More details
Each of the purchasing document has an arrow to show further more details within the view itself, this will provide a brief about any of the purchasing documents in case you do not want to drill down into another inquiry window.
More details

6- Flip through pages
The view shows only five documents under each purchasing document type, you may use the arrows of (Next and Previous) in the bottom of the screen to navigate through the purchasing documents. This can be done for each of the types solely

Best Regards,
Mahmoud M. AlSaadi


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