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“Unhandled script exception” Error When Running the Historical Stock Status Report

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We have gotten reports of GP users receiving the error shown in the screenshot below when generating the Inventory’s Historical Stock Status Report. The error only appeared on the report for one general ledger account on one historical date – 12/31/2017.

Although most online content on this error suggests to review the IV30300 table and look for missing TRXSORCE’s and 0 decimal places within its DECPLCUR and DECPLQTY fields, we found two records in the user’s IV30300 table had the QTYBSUOM (Quantity in the Base Unit of Measure) field equal to 0, while all other records had this field equal to 1.

Once we updated IV30300’s QTYBSUOM to equal 1, the error no longer appeared.

Specifically, we used a variation of the following T-SQL “UPDATE” script:

UPDATE IV30300 SET QTYBSUOM = ‘1’ WHERE DEX_ROW_ID IN (‘740’, ‘741’)

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By: John Ellis


The post “Unhandled script exception” Error When Running the Historical Stock Status Report appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics ERP Professionals.


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