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Assigning SSRS Reports to GP Windows for Self Service Users

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I recently worked with a client that is using Requisition Management in GP2016. They wanted their requestors to be able to print a copy of their requests and were disappointed to learn that the print button in the Requisition Entry window does nothing. (Yes, that has been corrected in GP2018). To accommodate them, we created an SSRS report and attached it to the Available Reports button in the window. That worked great for users with a full license, but users assigned an ESS license (as most requestors are) had a problem. In order to add a report to the Available Reports list, users have to be able to access the Report Assignments window. In Security Task Setup, that window is listed in the Company Series for Dynamics GP, but isn’t available when the User Type selected is Self Service.

Fortunately, the experienced team at Microsoft support provided a workaround. The available reports selections are stored in the CO07260 table in the company database. We were able to locate a record in the table created for a user with a full license and replicate it for the Self Service users using a simple INSERT statement. Below is a snip of the table and related records.

To add a record to the table, use the script below, replacing the field names with the appropriate values.


insert into CO07260 values(USERID, DICTID, RESID, SEQNUMBR, URL, SRS_Report_Name)


As always, use the script at your own risk and always make sure to have a complete backup.

To learn more about how you can take advantage of this and other Dynamics GP features, visit RSM’s Microsoft Dynamics GP resource. To make sure you stay up to date with the Microsoft Dynamics Community, subscribe to our Microsoft Dynamics Community Newsletter. For more information on Microsoft Dynamics 365, contact us.

By: Hans Wulczyn


The post Assigning SSRS Reports to GP Windows for Self Service Users appeared first on Microsoft Dynamics ERP Professionals.


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