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Read Auditing Changes in Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM

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Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM User Group

Within the past few months, there have been some important changes to Read Auditing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 users and admins should be aware of.

First of all, when you enable Read Auditing, it will log user and admin activity for each entity that you have auditing turned on for and, it appears that at least one of the items below must be checked as well.

Read Auditing will log each time the entity data is accessed by the user in the application or programmatically using API (application programming interface).

Microsoft recommends turning both of the below items on. The Read Auditing information is accessed through Microsoft Office 365.

There are two key types of Read Auditing that differentiate in these ways:

  • Single Record Auditing: Logs a record when opened
  • Multiple Record Auditing: Logs all records displayed on an open page — this simply means that it will log access of grid views, advanced search, sub-grids on a form etc.

Users and/or admins must turn on the Audit Logging in the Security and Compliance Section of Office 365 in order for it to work properly.

Read Auditing logs the following admin activities, making them BIG game-changers!

Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM User Group

Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM user actions that are logged include:

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