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How to Use Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM Sample Data for Testing

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Here is a situation Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM Administrators may run into when trying to finalize updates to their system.

As an Admin, you may need to test your changes, customizations, views, and other updates in the system, but do not have any data and are not yet ready to put in live data. No problem!

You can actually use built-in Sample Data to test your system and remove this data when done through some very simple steps.

Here’s how:

  1. CRM Administrator goes to Settings
  2. Under Settings look to the System Menu
  3. Select Data Management
  4. Select Sample Data Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM Tips and Tricks

  5. Click Install Sample Data

Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM

  1. When done with testing, repeat steps 1 through 4
  2. Then click Remove Sample Data

Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM

All done! Easy, right?

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