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How to Solve Personalization Issues with Saved Filtered Views in Business Central

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 5,659 Super User

How to Solve Personalization Issues with Saved Filtered Views in Business Central

Navigating through Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central's powerful interface can be a breeze, but sometimes users encounter specific challenges such as issues with personalizing saved filtered views. If you've set up a saved filtered view and find that you're unable to personalize it as you’d like, there's a straightforward workaround to this predicament. Here’s how to handle it, along with an explanation of why this issue occurs and how to effectively resolve it.

Understanding the Challenge

Business Central allows users to create custom views by applying filters to list pages, which can then be saved for future use. These views are incredibly handy for quickly accessing a subset of data that you frequently need. However, you might discover that once a view is saved with certain filters, attempting further personalizations—such as adding or removing columns or changing the layout—doesn’t work as expected.

This limitation can be puzzling and may hinder your ability to work as efficiently as possible. Typically, this occurs because the personalization is applied to the specific configuration of the view at the time it was saved, including its filters.

Step-by-Step Solution

Here's a simple method to bypass this issue and achieve the desired personalization on your filtered views:

  1. Return to the Default View:

    • Start by navigating back to the default “All” view on the list page where your filtered view was created. This view generally has no filters applied and shows all entries or records available in that list.
  2. Personalize the Default View:

    • Once in the “All” view, enter the personalization mode by selecting the Settings gear icon, usually found at the top right corner of the page, and then click Personalize.
    • Make the desired changes here, such as adding new columns, rearranging columns, or any other layout changes. Since you’re personalizing the default view, Business Central allows more flexibility in modifications.
  3. Apply Filters and Save a New View:

    • After personalizing the default view, apply the filters you need for your specific subset of data. Check to ensure all your personalizations appear correctly with the filters applied.
    • Save this new configuration as a new view. You might want to overwrite the existing saved view or save it under a new name for clarity.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage and personalize your views in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, ensuring that your work environment is as efficient and tailored to your needs as possible.


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