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Ribbon Workbench 2016 Beta

A couple of weeks ago I had both the privilege and a most enjoyable hour on CRM Audio chatting with George, Joel and Shawn about the Ribbon Workbench and SparkleXRM. You'll have heard me mention that I'd be posting details on how to get involved with the Beta version of the new Ribbon Workbench 2016 that's written using HTML and JavaScript rather than Silverlight – so here it is!

I've had a fruitful relationship with Silverlight over the years and it has been the enabler in many successful rich client Dynamics CRM customisations but things have moved on! In July 2015 the time had come to say goodbye in part because there was no Silverlight in Windows 10's Edge Browser. My main blocker for writing pure HTML and JavaScript Web Resources in the past had always been one a lack of productivity tooling, but that had moved on as well not least because of SparkleXRM, my framework for building rich user interface Dynamics CRM web resources. The Ribbon Workbench 2016 is written using SparkleXRM (although it comes pre-packaged in the solution) and if I'm honest I think one of my drivers originally for working so hard on that project was the inevitability of having to re-write the Ribbon Workbench in HTML one day. Without the framework it would have been a bridge-too-far, but as it happened I was pleasantly surprised as to how easy the conversion process went and I am really pleased with how it's turned out. Here are some highlights…

Drag and Drop Flyout Editing

Drag and Drop Flyout Editing

Delete Undo


Drag and Drop Command Editing

Drag Drop Command Editing

Can you help with Beta Testing?

You can download the beta version by signing up to beta test today!

Please report issues and bugs via UserVoice! Thank you!

This was originally posted here.


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