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Setting "Tax Liable" as Default for New Customers in Business Central

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 5,659 Super User


Setting "Tax Liable" as Default for New Customers in Business Central

In the dynamic world of business transactions, particularly within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, efficiency and accuracy are paramount. One common concern is the need to have the "Tax Liable" field activated by default when creating new customer records to ensure compliance and to avoid manual errors.

The Challenge of Manual Settings
When creating new customers, it is easy to overlook toggling the "Tax Liable" field, especially when handling a high volume of new entries. Previously, this field was set to on by default, but due to an unspecified change, it now requires manual intervention, which is not only time-consuming but also prone to human error.

Innovative Solutions to Automate Default Settings

  1. Using Customer Templates
    We recommend the use of customer templates. With templates, any new customer added to Business Central will inherit the template's settings, including the "Tax Liable" field set to true. Here’s how you can implement this:

    • Create a Customer Template: Set up a customer template with the "Tax Liable" field enabled.
    • Apply the Template: Use this template as the basis for all new customer records to ensure consistency.
  2. Simple Customization
    Another approach is to introduce a small customization in Business Central that sets the "Tax Liable" field to true for every new customer card created. This can be done by:

    • Adjusting the Code: Modify the default value in the code that runs during the customer card creation process.
    • Seeking Developer Assistance: If you are not familiar with customizing Business Central, consider consulting a developer or your IT team.
  3. Power Automate Limitations
    While Power Automate is a powerful tool for many processes, it has limitations. In this instance, the time delay between creating a customer and the flow updating the record can disrupt the workflow, as highlighted by Community Member 5. Therefore, using Power Automate may not be the best solution for this particular need.

Automating the "Tax Liable" setting for new customer entries is an excellent example of how small optimizations in Business Central can lead to significant improvements in operational efficiency and compliance. By leveraging customer templates or customizing the creation process, businesses can minimize the risk of human error and ensure that all customers are set up correctly from the start. Remember, while tools like Power Automate are helpful, sometimes the most straightforward solutions are built into the system itself—like customer templates or a bit of customization.

This proactive approach to setting default options demonstrates a commitment to leveraging Business Central’s capabilities to enhance business operations and maintain rigorous standards.


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