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AX 2012 Startup & Shutdown Procedure

BorisD Profile Picture BorisD 2,826

This is the procedure that should be followed for shutting down and starting up your AX environment. This same process can be used for Emergency shut down procedures. 

Before shutting down your AX environment you should go to System administration > Online users > Server instances tab and reject new clients on all your server instances.  


This well send a message out to any logged-on user and notifying them that "The administrator is shutting down the Application Object Server. You must save your work and log off. If your user session is idle, you will be logged off automatically."  


Monitor the Online users still connected through the Client sessions tab. Once you see all the users have logged of, proceed to the next step. Allow 5min for the message to pop up for the users. If you see some sessions have not ended after 15min, you can end them manually by placing a check mark next to the user name on the right and clicking End sessions. In the case of an emergency shutdown, you would just end all sessions  by placing a check mark in the top box and clicking End sessions. I have marked this box in yellow below. 


Withhold specific batch jobs that might run during the maintenance period. Not all batch jobs need to be turned off. Example of a batch job that should be turned off is Invoicing batch. If you turn of the batch AOS server during the execution of an invoice batch the job will error out and some invoices will not print out or get emailed to customers. Once servers are back up you can put these jobs into Waiting status and it will run the missed schedule and then put it back on schedule for the next run.  

Now you can start your shutdown procedure. Below is the order you should follow to shutdown your environment.

  1. servers that the clients are running on.
    1. These are usually RDS or Citrix servers.
  2. Server with AOS dependent services. 
    1. SharePoint  
    2. Management Reporter 
    3. SQL Reporting Service 
  3. Servers with ISV Applications  
    1. ISV application Server
    2. ISV SQL Server if separate from AX SQL Server
  4. Servers with AOS's on them. 
    1. Batch AOS Server  
    2. Second AOS server in load balance  
    3. First AOS server in load balance (AOS server hosting your AIF virtual directory share website)
  5. Shutdown AX SQL Server.

Starting up your AX environment is just the process above but in reverse. The most important thing is that you wait for services to start before starting the next server. For example, in a load balanced AOS environment make sure that the 1st AOS service has started before starting your other AOS server. By doing this you make sure your AOS's sync up properly. Same goes with dependent services. If one service is dependent on another. Make sure the first service has started before starting the other server that hosts the dependent service.  


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