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MSDyn365F&SCM: Get started with Electronic reporting

In this scenario we are going to setup Free text invoice report using Electronic reporting (ER). We will be utilizing ER tool to configure formats for both outgoing electronic documents.

1. Go to LCS, select the project and go to Asset library

1.1 Select GER Configuration and click Import

1.2 Select the following from Shared asset library:

  • Free text invoice (Excel).version.155.81
  • Invoice model.version.155
  • Invoice model mapping.version.155.76

Asset library

2. Organization administration > Workspaces > Electronic reporting > Configuration providers > Create new. Make it active

3. Go to Organization administrationElectronic reporting.

    • In the Configuration providers section, select the card for the ER provider that is associated with your company.
    • On the selected tile, click Repositories.
    • Click Add -> LCS -> Create repository

Note: This option is most preferred once since FILE SYSTEM repository type is accessible only in the following environments:

  • Cloud-hosted environments deployed for development purposes (containing test models of enclosed suites)
  • Locally deployed environments (on-premises)

See details here:

  • Connect to LCS and select the LCS project (where GER configuration is available – see step 1)

4. Go to Organization administrationElectronic reporting.

    • In the Related links section, select the card for the ER provider that is associated with your company.
    • Select Electronic reporting parameters > LCS and set Number of parallel threads to load data = 15

5. Go to Organization administrationElectronic reporting.

    • In the Configuration providers section, select the card for the ER provider that is associated with your company.
    • On the selected tile, click Repositories.
    • Click Open
    • You will notice configurations available in the LCS
    • Click Import All

Configuration repository

Note: If you see an error: Some configurations (either selected configuration or configurations on which the selected one depends) could not be imported, try to add earlier version of the GER Configuration into Asset library

6. Go to Organization administration > Workspaces > Electronic reporting > Reporting configurations

  • Make sure that imported configuration is available there.
  • Next, highlight Free text invoice and click Create configuration
    • Select Derive from option, type in Name and Description
    • Click Create configuration

Create configuration

  • Create the second configuration. You should have the structure as below:


7. Go to Organization administration > Workspaces > Business document management

  • Highlight FTI (Configuration1) and click Edit template

Edit template

  • Edit template as you wish. In order to differentiate 2 different reports, I am going to add only text – Configuration1/Configuration2
  • Once you are done, click Publish

8. Go to Accounts receivable > Customers > All customers > General tab on the Action pane > click Print management button in the Set up section

Print management

9. Go to Free text invoice form

    • Accounts receivable > Invoices > All free text invoices > click Print > choose Selected option
    • Or Accounts receivable > Customers > All customers > Invoice tab > Invoice journal > View > Use print management

Free text invoice

Now we are going to setup e-invoice and use Configuration 2

10. Go to Accounts receivable > Setup > Accounts receivable parameters > Electronic documents tab

Accounts receivable parameters

11. Go to Accounts receivable > Customers > All customers > Set eInvoice flag


12. Organization administration > Workspaces > Electronic reporting > Electronic reporting destination

Electronic reporting destination

12. Accounts receivable > Invoices > All free text invoices > click Send > choose Original

    • Email will be sent with FTI (Configuration 2) format

Summary: ER engine is really targeted at business users instead of developers. You do need to spend some time to configure the format but it’s feasible to adopt the documents based on your requirements without development.

That’s it!


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