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MSDyn365F&SCM: Reverse work


It’s quite obvious that we cannot prevent someone from making mistakes. It leads us to reverse mistakenly made transactions.

There is a capability in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance that allows you to reverse work.

I have been digging around Reverse function and would like to point out some major things that are happening in the background of using this feature.

You can reverse work from the following places:

Warehouse management > Outbound waves > Shipment waves > All waves > Work tab on the Action pane > Reverse button

  • Wave with status Released can be processed for reversal (Reverse button is active) since work has been already tied to the wave and work is ready for execution. Except cases, when work tied to the wave has started being executed (Work is in progress).
  • Wave with status Picked can be processed for reversal (Reverse button is active) since work has been tied to the wave and has been completed.

Warehouse management > Loads > All loads > Loads tab on the Action pane > Reverse work button

  • Load with status Loaded can be processed for reversal (Reverse work button is active) since work has been completed
  • Load with status Waved can be processed for reversal (Reverse work button is active) since work that has already been created through the waving process but has not been started yet.
  • Load with status In progress can be processed for reversal (Reverse work button is active) if all conditions are met for reversal (like work is not assigned to a user or last closed work line is not a Put)

Reversal restrictions

Work can be reversed only if work meet the rules for reversing them. Some of them are presented below.

Restriction #1 Reserve work function is supposed to work only with Sales order works.

If the Reverse work function is called from the Load, the Reference field will be checked and it should have Sales order value (Warehouse management > Loads > All loads > Load lines > Reference field). If there is at least one line with Reference field that is not equal to Sales order, an error message will be shown – “Work may only be reversed for sales transactions”

If the Reverse work function is called from the Wave, the Work order type field will be checked and it should have Sales order value (Warehouse management > Outbound waves > Shipment waves > All waves > Work order type field). If there is at least one line with Work order type field that is not equal to Sales order, an error message will be shown – “Work may only be reversed for sales transactions”

There are many questions that arise from users about dealing with other types of documents like transfer order. An answer to that is using “reduce picked quantity” function that is not going to be explained in this post.

Restriction #2 Reserve work function from the load doesn’t support multi-loads association

If the Reverse work function is called from the Load and work is associated with multiple loads, an error message will be shown – “Work header %1 cannot be reversed for Load %2 because it’s also associated with Load %3”

Restriction #3 Works in status Cancelled are ignored

There is no sense to reverse cancelled work

Restriction #4 Works that are consolidated as part of License plate consolidation flow are ignored

Restriction #5 Reversing a wave is not allowed if work is ship confirmed

If delivered in total > 0 on the sales line, an error message will be shown – “You cannot reverse work for sales lines that have been delivered”

Restriction #6 Works that are on user cannot be reversed

If Locked User is not blank, an error will be shown – “You cannot cancel work that is on user”

Restriction #7 Load in status Shipped and Received cannot be reversed

If Load is in a status Shipped or Received, an error will be shown – “You cannot reverse work for sales lines that have been delivered”

If you need to reverse the work, but Load is in the status Shipped, you can use Reverse shipment confirmation button on the Load

Restriction #8 Work with Work trans type = Packed Container Picking cannot be reversed

If Work Trans Type = Packed Container Picking, an error will be shown – Work %1 cannot be reversed

Keep in mind that there are some works that don’t have the wave ID set (e.g. Packed container picking), in this case Wave ID and linked work will be identified through the shipment.

Restriction #9 Load with the associated shipped transport load cannot be reversed

If a shipped transport load is tied to this load an error will be shown – “Work for a sale line tied to shipped transport load cannot be reversed”

Transport load with the status = Shipped will be taken into consideration where transport Load Loaded Work = work Line work id and work id is tied to a load

Restriction #10 Work cannot be reversed if there are any packing slips posted for a load

If at least one packing slip posted for a load exists, an error will be shown – “The work cannot be reversed because the packing slip associated with the load has been posted.

Keep in mind that is packing slip is posted through sales order or periodic operation there is no link between load and packing slip.

If you need to reverse the work, but there is a packing slip, you can use Cancel packing slip button on the Load form.

Restriction #11 Work cannot be reversed if Work is related to a cluster locked by the user

If work is associated to cluster and locked by user, an error message will be shown – “Reversing of work cannot be done because at least one work header is associated to a cluster which is locked by user. Please unlock cluster by passing”.

Reversal logic:

  1. If Work status is one of the following:
  • Open
  • Combined
  • Pending Review
  • Skipped

the logic of the reversal will be the same as you would have pressed the Cancel work button on the Work form.

At the end of this process the work will be cancelled

  1. If Work status is In progress, the logic of the reversal will be the same as you would have pressed the Cancel work button on the Work form and work to move items will be created. But where to move items back will be dependent on the user selection on the dialog box.
  • If user selects Move items to this location option, work will be created to move items from the reversed work Location to the user-defined location.
  • If user selects Move items based on the location directive option, work will be created to move items from the reversed work Location to the Location found based on the Location directive with work order type = Inventory movement. The new inventory movement work will be created and will be in Open status which can be closed after successful transfer of the item physically.
  • If user selects Assign items to this location option, work will be created for the entire license plate. Otherwise only specific item quantity will be moved
  • If user selects Leave items at current location option, work will be created to move items to the reversed work Location.
  1. If Work status is Closed, the logic of the reversal will be the next:
    • The system will check if the work is consolidated and has been merged into another work.
    • The system will reverse the pick of the sales line associated with the load line. Rereservation will be done.
    • The system will create work to move items based on the user selection on the dialog box.
    • At the end of this process the work status will be set to Cancelled.

Below you may find some of the examples of the status change based on the initial conditions:

Reverse work


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