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Switching of Forms using Option Set field in Javascript

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Use Case – To Switch form based on the value selected from option set field.


1. We have a Option Set field – “Lead Type

Based on the Option selected – the form will switch

For example –

“PMO Member” – On change of the option, it will switch to PMO Member Form

“HR” – On change of the option, it will switch to HR Form

2. To get the current form Guid use the following in the console-

var currentFormID = Xrm.Page.ui.formSelector.getCurrentItem().getId();

3. Below JavaScript Code-

switchForm: function(executionContext)
        // For Example -
        // Lead Type: PMO Member    100000000 | PMO Member : bde0ad61-06d4-4db9-a0c4-64aac2ba413b
        // Lead Type: HR            100000001 | HR : 845f6eb8-1956-4c42-90d6-042528e69ade
        var formContext = executionContext.getFormContext();
        if( != "lead")
            var listOfAvailableForms = formContext.ui.formSelector.items.get();
            var currentForm = formContext.ui.formSelector.getCurrentItem().getId();
                var leadType = formContext.getAttribute("cf_leadtype").getValue();
                if(leadType == "100000000" && currentForm != "bde0ad61-06d4-4db9-a0c4-64aac2ba413b")
                    listOfAvailableForms.forEach(element => {
                        if(element.getId() == "bde0ad61-06d4-4db9-a0c4-64aac2ba413b")
                else if(leadType == "100000001" && currentForm != "845f6eb8-1956-4c42-90d6-042528e69ade")
                    listOfAvailableForms.forEach(element => {
                        if(element.getId() == "845f6eb8-1956-4c42-90d6-042528e69ade")

Hope this helps!!

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