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Why can not post a module transaction even posting profiles are defined?

BillurSamdancioglu Profile Picture BillurSamdancioglu 13,216 Super User

Mostly asked questions on forums are about why system gave error when posting from the modules of the lack of the accounts even the posting profiles are defined.

Actually the answer is easy.

Even you can select the GL accounts from the modules , if the account structures are missing, you will not be able to post the transactions.

So to be able to post a transaction, you need to check the account structures.

If there are lots of account structures and you are not sure in which account structure that the account you want to use is, then there is an easy way to understand that if the account is available of use.

Go to general ledger journal lines and try to select the account from the account field.

If you are not able to see or select the account, this means, this accounts structure is either not defined or active. 


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