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Information regarding Encumbrance and Blanket Purchase orders

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to share some information about Encumbrance and Blanket purchase order.  There has been little information available on how Blankets work with Encumbrance and some confusion as to when/date the children will be encumbered.  

When you enter a Blanket PO, the first line is a control line.  Blankets (control line) always show the status as 2 (pre-encumbered) in the tables (ENC10111 for example).  It inserts a line as a value of 2 (positive value) and as you add the children (in the blanket button on the PO entry window), the system removes the values for that line.  It creates negatives for those lines.   They come out with a status of 2. 

You will see something like this in the table for the control line (ENC10111) after you add lines in the blanket.


PONUMBER    POLNENUM    POLNESTA ENCBSTAT    ENCMBAMT                                

----------------- ----------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------

PO2076            16384                       1              2                   912.60000           

PO2076            16384                       1              2                  -152.10000                              

PO2076            16384                       1              2                  -152.10000                            

PO2076            16384                       1              2                  -152.10000                      

PO2076            16384                       1              2                  -152.10000                        

PO2076            16384                       1              2                  -152.10000                 

PO2076            16384                       1              2                  -152.10000         


In turn the children lines get added as a status of 1. 

NOTE:  Children are always a status of 1 (Encumbered).  This will never change under any circumstances.

PONUMBER    POLNENUM    POLNESTA ENCBSTAT    ENCMBAMT                               

----------------- ----------- -------- -------- ---------------------------------------

PO2076            32768                         1           1             152.10000                              

PO2076            49152                         1           1             152.10000                              

PO2076            65536                         1           1             152.10000                            

PO2076            81920                         1           1             152.10000                              

PO2076            98304                         1           1             152.10000                              

PO2076            114688                       1           1             152.10000                            


NOTE:  When you tab off the children, the children DO NOT validate against a budget of those period identified on the blanket. (Even if you are spanning multiple years).   The system only validates against the blanket control line.  If customers want it to or expect it to we ask that you enter a suggestion to have that built into the product.


Blanket Control line for quantity of 6 entered on 10/1/2012 for a total of $912.60


Blankets (Children)

QTY 1 on 10/1/2012 for $151.10

QTY 1 on 11/1/2012 for $151.10

QTY 1 on 12/1/2012 for $151.10

QTY 1 on  1/1/2013 for $151.10

QTY 1 on  2/1/2013 for $151.10

QTY 1 on  3/1/2013 for $151.10


In this example the system will validate the $912.60 total against the budget 2012 for period 10. It does NOT look at the children with dates into the next year (2013 even though the children span into that next year).  

During the transfer, the system takes the amount remaining to liquidate for the children for the year you are in and liquidates those lines.  The value is put into Period 12 and it then moves the remaining left to be liquidated from period 10, 11 or 12 to the next year (2013).

Hope this information is helpful with understanding how Encumbrance and Blanket Purchase Orders work.



Angela Ebensteiner

Microsoft - Technical Lead


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