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Auditing the Last Modified By Field in Business Central

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 5,659 Super User
Auditing the Last Modified By Field in Business Central
In any financial or operational system, tracking changes and understanding who made those changes is crucial for maintaining data integrity and accountability. Business Central (BC) provides robust features to audit and track modifications to records. One such feature is the "Last Modified By" field, which can be invaluable for auditing purposes.
Example: Auditing a Purchase Invoice
Let's take a look at an example audit on a purchase invoice for "Progressive Home Furnishings".
  1. Open the Purchase Invoice:
  2. Initiate Page Inspection:
    • Open the Page Inspection panel using the gear icon or Ctrl + Alt + F1.
  3. Inspect the Purchase Header Table:
    • In the Page Inspection panel, select the Purchase Header (38) table.
    • Search for "modi" to locate the modification fields.
  4. Review the Modification Details:
    • You will see the fields:
      • SystemModifiedAt (DateTime): 12/07/22 10:22 AM
      • SystemModifiedBy (GUID): TZAPPIA (81b65288-15f4-4d8d-b52...)
    • These fields indicate that the purchase invoice was last modified on December 7, 2022, at 10:22 AM by the user with the ID TZAPPIA.
Auditing the "Last Modified By" field in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a straightforward process that provides critical insights into who modified a record and when the modification occurred. By leveraging the Page Inspection feature, you can ensure accountability and maintain data integrity within your system.


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