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How to Set Up Notification Emails to Requestor After Approval in Business Central

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 5,659 Super User


How to Set Up Notification Emails to Requestor After Approval in Business Central

Setting up notification emails to inform a requestor once their request has been approved in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a crucial step in streamlining workflows and ensuring timely communication. Follow these steps to configure this functionality:

  1. Navigate to Workflow Setup:

    • Go to "Workflows" and select the relevant workflow (e.g., Purchase Order Approval Workflow).
  2. Edit Workflow Steps:

    • Identify the step where an approval is required and select the appropriate response for when an approval request is approved (e.g., "An approval request is approved").
  3. Configure Notification:

    • In the Workflow Responses, add a response to create a notification.
    • Select "Create a notification for <Senders>".
  4. Set Notification Options:

    • Enable "Notify Sender".
    • Set the Notification Entry Type to "Approval".
    • Optionally, specify additional details such as the Recipient User ID.
  5. Save and Test:

    • Save the workflow setup.
    • Test the workflow by submitting and approving a request to ensure the requestor receives the email notification.

By configuring notification emails in Business Central, you can enhance communication and efficiency within your organization, ensuring requestors are promptly informed when their requests are approved.


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