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Exploring Storage Levels in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 5,659 Super User

Exploring Storage Levels in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

When setting up a warehouse in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, understanding the different levels of storage organization can greatly enhance inventory management efficiency. In this blog post, we'll delve into the various levels of storage you can set up in Business Central and discuss how additional elements like shelves and aisles can be integrated into the system's configuration.

Key Storage Levels in Business Central

Business Central facilitates detailed organization and tracking of inventory through various hierarchical levels within a warehouse setup. Here’s a look at these levels:

  1. Location: This is the highest level of storage categorization in Business Central, representing a warehouse or a major storage facility.

  2. Zone: Within each location, there are zones. Zones help segment the warehouse based on item types, handling requirements, or other operational needs.

  3. Bin: The most specific storage unit, bins are where items are physically stored. Each bin represents an individual space such as a shelf, pallet, or rack.

Enhancing Bin Naming with Shelves and Aisles

While Business Central does not natively differentiate levels beyond locations, zones, and bins, you can enhance the granularity of bin locations using naming conventions:

  • Shelves and Aisles: Although not distinct levels in Business Central’s standard setup, shelves and aisles can be effectively used within the bin naming convention to provide more precise locations. For instance, bin names can be formatted as Aisle 3, Shelf B, making it easier to locate items quickly.

  • Custom Fields: For businesses that require more detailed tracking, custom fields can be added to bin setups to include information like shelf numbers or aisle identifiers. This customization allows for a more detailed specification of each bin’s physical location within the larger warehouse structure.


Setting up an organized warehouse in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is crucial for efficient inventory management. While the system provides three primary levels of storage—locations, zones, and bins—using naming conventions to include shelves and aisles adds a layer of detail that can significantly improve operational efficiency. For businesses with complex storage needs, further customization through additional fields or integration with advanced warehouse management systems might be considered. This strategic approach ensures that every item is exactly where it needs to be, accessible and correctly accounted for in your inventory management system.


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