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Navigating 100% Discounts in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 5,659 Super User

 Navigating 100% Discounts in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

A user encountered a scenario where he needed to enter a zero unit price on a sales line Solution:

  1. Unit Price Adjustment: Set the unit price field to zero. This adjustment will automatically reflect as a 100% discount in the line discount % field.
  2. Personalization Check: Ensure the line discount % field is exposed through personalization.

This feature is a standard part of Business Central, simplifying the process of applying full discounts on sales lines. It's a small yet powerful capability that can significantly streamline sales operations, especially when handling promotional discounts or customer concessions.

#MicrosoftDynamics365 #BusinessCentral #ERP #SalesManagement #Discounts #Efficiency #TechTips



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