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Dynamics 365 Business Central Roadmap

Having insights into current and future capabilities for an all-in-one business management solution like Business Central is not just nice: it can be part of your decision to either use or not use the solution. For a while, we provided insight through this blog and the Dynamics 365 Roadmap, but as part of Dynamics 365 we're changing that somewhat.

As we announced earlier, the next major update for Business Central will be part of the October '18 release wave.


You can continue to watch this blog for announcements of new capabilities. We'll let you know when something becomes available that you have been waiting for, and when you can get your hands on a new capability that you might not even know that you wanted.

We're also going to start publishing release notes online - more information about this will be coming soon, but watch the April '18 launch event, and bookmark this link:

The Dynamics 365 Roadmap site, however, has been deprecated. Going forward, we refer to this blog and the release notes.

Finally, you can suggest new capabilities through the Ideas site.

You can try Dynamics 365 Business Central today by browsing to our homepage and starting the free trial. Looking forward to hear your questions, feedback, and thoughts on our community forum and Ideas site. You can also follow news and discussions on Twitter using the #MSDyn365BC hashtag.


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  • Christian Schroth Profile Picture Christian Schroth 5
    Posted at

    Thanks for answer and a sunny day !!

  • Eva Dupont MSFT Profile Picture Eva Dupont MSFT
    Posted at

    Hi Christian,

    Thanks for coming to Directions and for your feedback :-) I'll see what I can do about getting the updated roadmap, or rather the road forward from this October release made available to you before the event next week (UG Summit?). Stay tuned here on the blog.

  • Christian Schroth Profile Picture Christian Schroth 5
    Posted at

    Thanks again for your session (BK61) at Directions :-) For our customer event next week I'm just trying to find the graphic/slide to the updated roadmap to D365BC. However, so far I can only reach this one:

    Can you tell me where I can find the updated roadmap to D365BC (from the KeyNote by Marko Perisic) ? Thanks for the short-term help. Christian.