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Happy Holidays!

waldo Profile Picture waldo 6,430

Hey y’all. I just wanted to send my Holiday wishes to the community I value so much.

It’s been another crazy year in terms of the world being upside down by this freaking virus. However, it has also shown us how strong this amazing community is – finding new ways to connect, share insights, or just hang out: The Beerinar, Virtual Conferences like DynamicsCon, the BC Launch Event, Steve’s Podcast, Erik’s youtube channel, new online trainings and trainers, … – all great examples!

It’s also nice to see the many new contributors in various ways: new speakers, new bloggers, new toolers, .. it’s so hard to keep up – but that doesn’t matter. There is a treasure of information out there and that’s what counts. The community is growing, and the fun is growing as well.

And in the meantime – I’m growing as well. “Growing old” I mean ;-). My plans are to simply keep blogging, keep doing sessions on various platforms .. and keep joking around on Twitter – and who knows – once in a while, I might have something useful to share as well ;-).

I’m looking forward what next year has to offer – but for now:

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

This was originally posted here.


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