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Dynamics 365 AX7 - Create Model and Project - First step to start with development

Faisal Fareed Profile Picture Faisal Fareed 10,794 User Group Leader
This post describes how to create model with correct selection of package which leads to correct development approach either Extension or Overlayering (Customization)

Go to Dynamics 365 or AX7 | Deploy | Create model

Enter required information as shown

Choose correct package

If you decided to go with overlayering, existing package will be selected from dropdown.


Select referenced packages

For this example; I will go with extension development approach, it is easy to upgrade with new versions or updates coming from MS.

Marked all required packages (models) which can be referenced through your new created model. Through these references, you can actually use the element living in those packages (models), without these references you cannot access any element belongs to a different model.

Lets' say you want to access CustTable which belongs to Application Suite package then you have to checked Application Suite package in referenced package list.

Create model Summary

Create new project option will open a new window where you can put the project name linked with this model.

NOTE: A project can only be linked with one model

Project created in Visual Studio

Update model parameters

You may require to update model parameters by adding more reference packages. This can be done as follows;

Select model name to update

Add or remove reference packages 

Click Next will take you model summary screen and will update the project in Visual Studio with updated references.


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