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Navigating Tax Amount Adjustments in Business Central: PO vs. Purchase Quote

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 5,659 Super User


Navigating Tax Amount Adjustments in Business Central: PO vs. Purchase Quote

When working with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, understanding how to manage tax amounts can be crucial for accurate financial transactions. Interestingly, Business Central differentiates between the flexibility offered for tax adjustments in purchase orders and purchase quotes.

Tax Adjustments on Purchase Orders

Business Central allows users to adjust tax amounts on a purchase order (PO). This flexibility is essential when there are discrepancies between the expected tax calculated by the system and the actual tax amount charged by the supplier. This can happen due to various reasons such as rounding differences, tax law changes, or vendor-specific tax agreements.

Adjusting the tax amount on a PO is straightforward:

  1. Navigate to the relevant purchase order.
  2. Go to the invoice details or tax details section.
  3. Input the correct tax amount as necessary.

The system will then recalculate totals and ensure that the financial impact reflects in the general ledger once the PO is posted.

Limited Flexibility on Purchase Quotes

However, when it comes to purchase quotes, Business Central restricts the ability to change tax amounts. Why? Purchase quotes are typically used for preliminary calculations and are not financially binding. They are estimates used for requesting prices from suppliers, and at this stage, the accuracy of tax calculations is not as critical as it is in a purchase order, which is a commitment to purchase.

The Rationale Behind the Restriction

This restriction ensures that users do not spend time adjusting tax amounts on documents that will not directly affect financials. Moreover, it prevents potential confusion or discrepancies from arising between quoted and actual tax amounts when the quote is converted into a purchase order.


Understanding the nuances of when and how you can adjust tax amounts in Business Central can help maintain the integrity of your financial data and streamline procurement processes. While the flexibility exists in purchase orders to ensure financial precision, purchase quotes serve a different purpose, prioritizing efficiency and ease of use over granular financial control.

For users navigating Business Central's purchasing functionalities, it’s essential to recognize these distinctions and operate within the system's designed workflows for maximum effectiveness.
