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2 Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM V9 Updates You Should Know About

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It’s that time of year already. Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM Version 9 is rolling out.

Find out how the Refreshed Web User Interface and End-User Functionalities could change your internal workflows and business models the remainder of this business quarter.

Refreshed Web User Interface

Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM made many modifications to its actual web interface in the Version 9 update, and then they actually made a new user interface as well.

It has mostly the same capabilities, such as to edit, but the changes are mostly with the Forms.

The biggest thing you will see when you open a new form is that the white space is gone.

Things are greyed out, and this is all to make the interface more user-friendly. Hooray!

It’s a lot easier to read, and you have an area to see where you’re at because it highlights that area.

Microsoft also made all the font on the interface the same type and size. In addition, you can now wrap text labels ups to three lines.

Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM Version 9 Changes

The refreshed interface will wrap the data within the box by default.

If you have an area that doesn’t have anything, instead of just being white space, it will alert you there is no data is inside the grid. It will do the same thing with subareas.

Finally, you can adjust the header colors to match the theme of your business, if you like.

The concern with the Refreshed Web User Interface will be if/when you’re converting from the older to the newer version is how the sections are laid out.

These questions that are yet to be answered by Microsoft and its user community may affect your internal practices: Do we have to remove some sections? Do we have to combine some sections? Etc.

Don’t worry just yet! Keep visiting the Ledgeview Blog. We’ll keep you updated on the answers to these questions.

Finally, you can also use drop-down menus within your editable grids with the update.

New End-User Functionality

One of the New End-User Functionalities is called the Multi-Select Option Set.

At Ledgeview, we have a solution that can provide this, but now you are able to remove options by clicking the ‘x’ in the upper right-hand corner of the text or use the drop-down menu to select and deselect.

You can also search easily with long option sets by typing within the box to find the data you’re looking for. The field is now separated by semi-colons.

Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM Version 9 Updates

Next, the “Not-In” clause within Advanced Find has been changed, so when you access your Active Accounts, for example, and select Active Accounts with NO Opportunities, you can filter accounts that are “Not-In.”

One other area that Microsoft has added under Opportunities is Business Process Flows, called Action Buttons.

Though you could always have a workflow associated with a different stage, now you can actually call on-demand workflows from within the opportunity.

Click the “Execute” button to create a task. Behind the scenes, it will execute the workflow and create tasks. It allows you to kick off on-demand workflows, but now it’s more of an end-user control.

Microsoft is adding more functionality to the business process flow.

Do you want more insight on the changes in the Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM Version 9 Upgrade? Join us for our monthly User-Group webinars!

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM User Group Webinar


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