Sometimes when you try to open workflow editor you receive error as “Application cannot be started.Contact the application vendor” as shown in screenshot.
this problem can be caused due to various versions of application are there on your system.
Let see how to solve this problem :-
- First thing first make sure you are using internet explorer browser for the workflow.
- If you are using internet explorer the go to settings and go to internet options.
Now try to connect the application.
- If above step is also not working for you then there must be multiple versions of applications are on your system.
To resolve this you visit C:\Users\*YourUserFolder*\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0
and search as workfow and select second application file and open file location of it.(AppData may be hidden in some cases)
Now in the opened location delete all the files other than folder in that location.
after this try to download the latest workflow editor and it should work now.
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