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update dimensions

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 5,659 Super User

 In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, dimensions provide a way to categorize entries so that they can be grouped and analyzed in various ways beyond the traditional financial accounts. When a user updates dimensions in a subledger (like Customers, Vendors, or Items), whether or not the general ledger (G/L) entries dimensions will be updated depends on a couple of factors:

  1. The Point in the Process: If the update is done before posting, the dimensions will carry through from the subledger to the G/L entries upon posting. However, if the G/L entries have already been posted, changing dimensions in the subledger won't retroactively update the G/L entries.

  2. Configuration of Dimensions: In some setups, dimensions are set up to "inherit" properties from the subledger to the G/L upon posting. If dimensions are defined at the subledger level and the document hasn’t been posted yet, any changes to the dimensions should be reflected in the G/L once the posting occurs.

  3. Integration Events/Extensions: Business Central allows for customizations through integration events or extensions. These can be programmed to allow for such updates, although it is not standard behavior in the out-of-the-box configuration.

  4. Manual Adjustments: If G/L entries need to be updated after posting, this typically requires manual adjustment entries or reversing and re-posting the transactions with the correct dimensions.

Therefore, in standard practice, dimensions are set at the time of posting, and subsequent changes to dimensions in subledgers will not affect G/L entries that have already been posted. It's crucial to ensure that dimensions are correctly set before posting to avoid the need for manual adjustments later, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Always refer to your organization’s policies and the setup in Business Central, as customizations or specific configurations might alter the default behavior.
