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German Red Cross enhances Emergency Response with maps within Dynamics 365 CRM: A Life-Saving Technology!

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Every second counts in the world of emergency medical care. For German Red Cross (DRK) Assistance, a non-profit organization with over 30 years of experience, the mission is clear, provide first-class medical care and support to people in need, anywhere in the world. Their arsenal for this mission includes a vast network of ambulances and helicopters, ready to be dispatched at a moment’s notice.

However, speed wasn’t their only challenge. With global operations, DRK Assistance needed a way to quickly visualize the complete medical infrastructure available around a patient’s location. This included hospitals, ground transportation options, and even nearby airports for potential medevac situations. Traditionally, this information was scattered across different sources, creating a critical time lag in decision-making.

Their answer came from Maplytics, our geo-analytical solution that seamlessly integrated maps with their existing Dynamics CRM platform. Imagine a real-time map, where a patient’s location is instantly pinpointed using colored pushpins. Surrounding this point are clear custom visual markers – hospitals represented by red crosses, ambulances depicted as tiny vehicles, and airports marked with airplane icons. All this information, previously scattered, now existed on a single, unified platform and available at a click.

The benefits were immediate and life-saving. DRK Assistance could now:

  1. Data Visualization: With the maps integrated within Dynamics 365, plotting and viewing records became convenient for faster and more accurate analysis.
  2. Optimize Routes: With a clear understanding of ground transportation options, Maplytics helped them choose the most efficient routes, the shortest in terms of time or distance, to reach patients. This meant ambulances could get to critically ill individuals faster, potentially making the difference between life and death.
  3. Enhanced Communication: Heatmap visualizations within Maplytics allowed DRK Assistance to perform in-depth case analysis. This not only improved internal communication but also facilitated clear reporting to stakeholders and insurance companies, ensuring transparency and trust.. Read More

The post German Red Cross enhances Emergency Response with maps within Dynamics 365 CRM: A Life-Saving Technology! appeared first on Blog | Maplytics.

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