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Debunking 5 Common Woes and Misconceptions with CRM User Adoption

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Before CRM Implementation, you are going to need a killer preview to present to your employees, especially your sales team.

Before creating that preview, you will need to think like them. You know why you like it as a manager or sponsor, but just because you see the benefits, doesn’t mean your employees will as soon as you have.

Remember, they have a different role and function. Get on their level. Relate to them. Use terminology that makes sense for their workflows.

Consider: What are their apprehensions? What do they not like or think they do not like about CRM? How can you address their concerns or resolve the problems they have created in their heads about using CRM applications?

These common woes & misconceptions can be easily addressed and prevented.

Here are the most common misconceptions and how you can clear them up as a manager or CRM sponsor:

  1. Impersonalization

“Will I lose that personal touch?”

Sales reps may often worry that CRM is an impersonal approach with customer relationship management.

However, it’s the opposite if used correctly! The whole point of a CRM system is to help build strong relationships with your clientele, not deviate from personalized agendas.

Most CRM systems allow the ability to integrate marketing software or other helpful tools to help keep the system running efficiently and uniquely to the individual sales target.

  1. Automation

“What if emails are sent out wrong?”

It’s true that when set up incorrectly, the automation can be hazardous to business.

Therefore, as long as your company is working with the right CRM partner to help them implement their solution, you should be able to prevent (and eliminate) this problem from the get-go.

Marketing automation within CRM can be incredibly efficient. It’s a matter of making sure the right people are working on the right things within your system. Simple, and SO easy to prevent …

  1. The ‘Big Brother’ EffectCRM User Adoption eBook

Your sales reps may fear micro-management within CRM, but, in reality, this should eliminate your back and forth and need to check in with them as often.

CRM systems generate highly detailed reports that can help keep everyone in check.

There’s no ‘Big Brother’ about it as long as your dialogue with your employees is maintained in a respectful, appreciative fashion.

A manager should be positive about why CRM will help them, not make them feel singled out. You, as a manager, are helping your sales reps sell.

The point isn’t to micro-manage. It’s to drive success!

  1. Dual Efforts

Many sales reps may feel as though CRM is a duplication of the efforts they’ve already instated, but CRM will take hold of your data in a more consolidated way that will help your sales reps save time on tedious work, and focus on the “meat and potatoes” of their daily job functions instead.

Although the process of getting your sales reps to switch over from their well-known Excel Sheets to CRM can feel difficult, once they stick it out and see it through, they will realize the same true benefits as you.

Reports don’t lie. They’re endlessly valuable.

  1. Organization

Team members may worry about keeping data clean. Yes, it’s true that if CRM is not well-managed data can get out of hand.

However, when you commit to CRM and commit to it fully, this is another daunting idea that’s easy to prevent.

Set up good housekeeping rules from the get-go to keep your data clean. Establish appropriate KPIs. Set field requirements (i.e. email address, company name, company address, etc.) Create a sleek formatting system from the beginning of your CRM journey.

Want to debunk 5 more common woes & misconceptions with CRM User Adoption?

Download Ledgeview’s latest eBook here.


Ledgeview Partners eBook Debunking Common Misconceptions about CRM User Adoption


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