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Automating Free Shipping Thresholds in Business Central: Is It Possible

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 5,659 Super User

A common challenge faced by businesses using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is automating the application of shipping costs based on sales thresholds. Many businesses offer free shipping on orders that meet specific negotiated amounts, but manually checking each order can be tedious and time-consuming, especially with a high volume of customers and orders.

Current Challenge:
Businesses need a way to automate the application of shipping costs in Business Central, ensuring they are only applied when the sales amount does not meet the threshold. While this feature seems standard in other ERP systems—allowing shipping thresholds to be set within customer profiles—Business Central currently lacks this out-of-the-box functionality. When warehouse employees enter shipping costs, the system should automatically determine whether to apply these costs to the sales invoice based on the order amount.

Possible Solutions:

  1. Custom Development: Customizing Business Central can automate this process, enhancing efficiency and accuracy by ensuring shipping costs are only applied when necessary.
  2. Third-Party Apps: Several shipping apps available, such as Dynamic Ship by Insight Works, offer features like freight price rules that could meet this need. These apps can improve the pick/pack process, helping to determine shipping costs effectively.


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