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Business Process Catalog and Guidance - Part 6: Conducting Process-Centric Discovery | March 12, 2024

In this TechTalk, we will explore how to seamlessly integrate and optimize business processes within Dynamics 365 for enhanced efficiency and productivity. At the end if this session, attendees will have a better understanding of the core principles of process-centric discovery and its significance with Dynamics 365 implementations.
We'll provide tips to use the Business Process Catalog to provide practice insights on how customers can leverage Dynamics 365 to seamlessly integrate and streamline a diverse variety of business processes in any organization.
Then we will explore effective techniques for mapping out and visualizing business processes for Dynamics 365. We will also dive into a mini case study with questions to leverage during discovery, and how to approach the discovery phase with a process-centric approach.

00:00 Intro
01:03 Series Agenda
01:44 Agenda
02:49 Components and importance of process-centric discovery
7:07 Purpose of discovery
08:27 Outcomes of well-executed process-centric discovery
11:14 Process-centric discovery goals
15:09 Goals of presales discovery workshop
19:23 Guidance for making estimates
Multi-solution/phase estimates
26:41 Mapping and visualizing processes
29:29 Modeling and visualizing
32:48 Three T’s of business process mapping
36:25 Recommended practices for discovery
39:17 Recommended practices for configuration and demo
41:06 Recommended practices for estimation
43:32 Process for discovery
45:57 Presales discovery entry criteria check list
47:24 Presales discovery exit criteria check list
48:39 Recommended practices for presales discovery
49:20 Presales discovery activities check list
49:52 Sample discovery questions
53:11 Business process catalog status heat map example
54:33 Resources and recommendations
54:45 Q&A
59:43 Closing comments
Presenter: Rachel Profitt -


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