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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / MSD365 F&O Learning / Collections coordinator wor...

Collections coordinator workspace in Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&SC


Collections coordinator workspace

Table of Contents

Business Requirement:

When a collections agent views a customer record, a lot of information is needed from credit ratings, payment history, and communication history. This process can take anywhere from 15-30 minutes to search and find in Dynamics 365 Finance. With the new workspace page, the collections agent will have a summary of past activities and the most relevant information in one place. Personalized emails can save them even more time when sending reminder letters to customers

Solution Explanation:

1. Enable the Collections coordinator workspace

A.    Go to the feature management and enable the (Preview) Collection Coordinator Workspace


2. Explore the Collections coordinator workspace

A.    Now go to Credit and collection module and click on Collection Coordinator (Preview)


B.    Overview of Collection coordinator workspace


  • Open contracts â€“ The number of active project contracts from the Project management and accounting module.
  • Open invoices â€“ The total number of invoices that haven't been fully settled.
  • Months as a customer â€“ The number of months that the customer has been a customer. The value is calculated from the Customer since field on the Credit and collections tab of the customer record.
  • Credit limit â€“ The customer's credit limit.
  • Credit remaining â€“ The customer's remaining credit amount. The value is calculated during the Age customer balances periodic process.
  • Account status â€“ The account status. The value is taken from the Account status field on the Credit and collections tab of the customer record.

C.    Customer Timeline and Contact Details

Customer Timeline: The Customer timeline section shows posted invoices, payments that have been received, collection letters that have been sent, and activities
Contact Details: To quickly contact a customer, use the Contact details information at the bottom of the page. The Collections contact value is taken from the Credit and collections tab of the customer record and is the first contact for the customer when contacts are viewed

D.    Action on  Customer Open Transaction from the workspace

The Open transactions tab shows the customer transactions that haven't been fully settled. Collections options on this page include Change statusNSF paymentWrite-offSettleReprint, and View collections history 
Happy Learning
Thank You ☺




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