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Enhancing Visibility in Aging Accounts Payable Reports with Invoice Dates

Jun Wang Profile Picture Jun Wang 5,659 Super User

Enhancing Visibility in Aging Accounts Payable Reports with Invoice Dates in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

For businesses managing their finances with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, maintaining a clear view of accounts payable is essential. One common requirement, especially during audits, is to understand not just what amounts are owed but also when each liability was originally incurred. This involves seeing the original invoice posting dates directly on the Aging Accounts Payable (AP) Report. But how do you make these dates visible if they aren't showing by default?

The Need for Customization

As highlighted by a community expert, while Business Central provides robust tools for managing payables, some specific reporting features, like showing the invoice date on the Aging AP Report, may require customization. This is because the standard report layout might not include all the desired details by default.

Why Include Invoice Dates?

Including the invoice date on the Aging AP Report provides several benefits:

  • Audit Readiness: It makes it easier for auditors to verify the timeliness of payments and adherence to terms.
  • Financial Clarity: Helps finance teams assess payment priorities based on how long invoices have been outstanding.
  • Vendor Management: Improves relationships with vendors by ensuring that older invoices are not overlooked.

Accessing Invoice Dates Without Customization

If customization of the report isn't immediately possible, there's an alternative way to access the needed data:

Step 1: Navigate to Vendor Ledger Entries

  • From the main menu, select 'Vendors' to go to the vendor list.
  • Open a vendor card and navigate to 'Ledger Entries'. This section provides a detailed list of all transactions related to that vendor, including invoices.

Step 2: View Invoice Details

  • In the 'Vendor Ledger Entries' window, you can find comprehensive information about each invoice, including the 'Posting Date', which serves as the invoice date.
  • You can manually compile this information alongside your Aging AP Report to provide a complete picture during audits or financial reviews.


While Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central doesn't show invoice dates in the Aging AP Report by default, accessing this information through Vendor Ledger Entries is a practical workaround. For long-term efficiency, however, customizing the report to meet your specific needs might be the best approach. This ensures that all pertinent data is readily available, thereby enhancing the functionality and usability of your financial reporting.


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