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Importing through recurring data job multiple entities with just one file

Posted on by 4
Hi all,
I need to import a unique file related to different entities at the same time by Recurrent Data Job. I'm able to do with a single file by POSTMAN- single data entity, not able to do with multiple entities in the same file, e.g Vendor Groups and Vendors V2 in the same file CSV.
The queued job goes always in status Pre-Process Failed
Here an example of the enqueue body content from POSTMAN: first 3 lines for vendor group, the rest for vendors.....
Both work fines in managed by one recurrent data job for each entity
How can I manage it?
  • Suggested answer
    Anthony Blake Profile Picture
    Anthony Blake 1,207 on at
    Importing through recurring data job multiple entities with just one file
    I've just tried this out and you will need the data package API. In a recurring import you specify the data entity as part of the request, which means you call the same recurring project (by activity id) however you only send it 1 file, matching the specified data entity.
    There's an example of a recurring import here, look out for the data entity being specified as part of the enqueue call.
  • Anthony Blake Profile Picture
    Anthony Blake 1,207 on at
    Importing through recurring data job multiple entities with just one file
    The package API allows you to import multiple entities in the same run, as long as none of the entities are composite. It may be worth exploring this option.
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 225,490 Super User on at
    Importing through recurring data job multiple entities with just one file
    You're asking in the general forum, but I guess your question is about F&O. Am I right?

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