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How can the privilege work

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Posted on by 366
I have created 2 roles as below privileges. Then, assign them to userA and grant the access companies.
Role_A Privilege_One COMP1
privilege_Two COMP2
Role_B Privilege_One COMP2
UserA selects COMP1 and find the privilege_Two  not be present.   
It is so  strange  to me. Please   advise what wrong it is
  • Verified answer
    Layan Jwei Profile Picture
    Layan Jwei 7,596 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    How can the privilege work
    Hi J,
    Since BI role has also access to privilege1, if you use a user with that role, then do you have access to privilege1? If yes then we need to compare what is missing for for RoleA compared to RoleB
    When you open the form for privilege1, go to the options tab, click security diagnostics and check which other privileges are needed to view this form
  • Adis Profile Picture
    Adis 2,520 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    How can the privilege work
    I know it sounds weird, however, I would also test the other way around, i.e. using the task recorder.
    It will show you which permissions you need, but more importantly, if a specific user has the assigned privilege, role, duty to execute the action.
    Once you put in the userID it will show missing permissions if they exist. Be sure to do the recording in the desired company.
    Kind regards, Adis
    Kind regards, Adis

    Does this answer your question? If so, please mark this response as verified, so other users can see that the question is answered.

  • Suggested answer
    Waed Ayyad Profile Picture
    Waed Ayyad 6,996 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    How can the privilege work
    Hi J_Lee ,
    1- If you assign the role to user without any restriction on the Company (The role is available in all legal entities), Are you able to see the menu Item?
    2- Are you sure you grant access to tables (that used on the form) also?
    3- Try to sign-out and sign in again.


    Waed Ayyad

    If this helped, please mark it as "Verified" for others facing the same issue

  • J_Lee Profile Picture
    J_Lee 366 on at
    How can the privilege work
    Hi Layan,
    Its privilege is as below
  • Layan Jwei Profile Picture
    Layan Jwei 7,596 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    How can the privilege work
    Hi J,
    So now your question is about privilege1 and not privilege2 as per the original question.
    Can you please take a screenshot of privilege1 and show us it's properties
  • J_Lee Profile Picture
    J_Lee 366 on at
    How can the privilege work
    We assign the access organizations in user's roles by "assign their organizations" button 
    Role "Account payable payments clerk" has privilege_one and grant access in COMP1. However, userA cannot see that menu item in COMP1
  • Layan Jwei Profile Picture
    Layan Jwei 7,596 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    How can the privilege work
    Hi J,
    You didn't answer my question about how did you grant access for companies?
    And again, in your table, privilege2 is only related for COMP2, that's why you don't see it in Comp1. Relate it to Comp1 as well in order to see it there
  • J_Lee Profile Picture
    J_Lee 366 on at
    How can the privilege work
    Yes, UserA is not able to see menu item that is related to privilege_Two in company 1(i.e. COMP1)
    Privilege_TWO is granted for enabling the customized menu items under payment journal
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 291,963 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    How can the privilege work
    Hi J Lee,
    Can you please elaborate on your question? What exactly did you share in your table? What is COMP1 and COMP2? What access permissions are set for each entry point on the privileges? In case COMP1 and COMP2 are display menu items, check if on the entry points for privilege two you have set the proper permissions, like Read or Delete.
  • Layan Jwei Profile Picture
    Layan Jwei 7,596 Super User 2025 Season 1 on at
    How can the privilege work
    How did you grant access to companies can you explain?
    I also think what you mean that if the user switches to company 1 then the user doesn't have access to elements related to privilege two, but based on your table, privilege2 is only related to company2 and not company1 which makes sense why u don't have access.
    But again we don't understand what you mean exactly and it would be great if u tell us what privilege 1 and 2 does

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