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Cash Receipt Journal Entries

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Hi, I am new to Business Central and we are trying to automate the some use cases using power automate. I am trying to get a list of cash receipt journal entries posted for a particular customer using the JournalLines API, but I am unable to see the posted entries. Any suggestions on how I might be able to get the list. Eg. I made a cash receipt Journal entry of $100 and posted the same. When I retrieve the list , I want to retrieve this cash receipt Journal entry of $100. Any help would be much appreciated.
  • Verified answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 63,013 Super User on at
    Cash Receipt Journal Entries
    Hi, Yes, you can, but you need to add some fields in advance, such as Journal Template Name, Journal Batch Name, etc., because the Web Service can only process the fields that are already displayed on the page.
  • TU-27061257-0 Profile Picture
    TU-27061257-0 10 on at
    Cash Receipt Journal Entries
    Thank you for your reply. Is it possible to use the Cash Receipt Journals page exposed as a web service to automate the Cash Receipt Journal line entries? 
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 63,013 Super User on at
    Cash Receipt Journal Entries
    Hi, Valentin is right, SourceTable = "Gen. Journal Line", so you cannot get the data of the General Ledger Entry table.
    You can use the following API to get the posted data.
    Get generalLedgerEntries
  • Suggested answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 6,365 Super User on at
    Cash Receipt Journal Entries
    I believe JournalLines is only for unposted lines, for posted lines you need to use another API such as the customer ledger entries, general ledger entries, or a developer can create an API for the posted general journals which will have your posted lines.

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