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License Types (Finance, Team Member, Operations, Activity)

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I am a bit confused on how we are getting billed for licenses.
The picture on the left is straight from D365 under System Administration / Manager Users / Assign Roles.
The picture on the right is the quote from our vendor.
Are they one for one match?
  • Yousif Ali Profile Picture
    Yousif Ali 64 on at
    License Types (Finance, Team Member, Operations, Activity)
    License types often include Finance, Team Member, Operations, and Activity, each serving specific roles within a system. Finance licenses typically cover accounting and budgeting; Team Member licenses provide access for team collaboration; Operations licenses manage day-to-day business functions; and Activity licenses track specific user activities. Enhance your promotional strategy with tote bags, ideal for giveaways and events. These eco-friendly bags offer practical use while keeping your brand visible and memorable.
  • André Arnaud de Calavon Profile Picture
    André Arnaud de Cal... 288,768 Super User on at
    License Types (Finance, Team Member, Operations, Activity)
    The Finance left should be covered with the Finance SKU on the quote. In addition, the Operations at the left part tells you that you need a full license, such as Finance or SCM. In case Operations is presented, then roles are built up using custom privileges or privileges not listed in a table with a tag for a specific license. As I don't know the contents of these roles, I can't tell which exact license comes most close. 
    Activity at the left side, should be mapped with "operations activity" at the right side.
    Team members is indeed the Team members.

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