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Automatisation project

Posted on by 18


We currently have linked opportunities in our system, and I would like to know if it is possible to automate the process of updating their statuses. Specifically, when one opportunity changes from one status to another (e.g., from /Identify/ to /Qualify/), I would like the other linked opportunity to automatically follow the same status change.

Could you please inform me of the available options to achieve this automation? Is it possible?

Thank you in advance.

  • FM-02051120-0 Profile Picture
    FM-02051120-0 18 on at
    Automatisation project


    Yes, that's exactly what I'm trying to do. After several attempts, I still can't manage to get it right. I'm stuck at the first step because I can't access the Opportunity Sales Process table, even though I know it exists.


  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Automatisation project
    It's possible to be achieved!
    Based on your description and screenshot, the opportunity and itself have 1:N relationship, Right?
    You mentioned process status:  from /Identify/ to /Qualify/
    --In fact, this should be a stage change on BPF(Business process flow), as well as BPF itself being a table.
    If so, you can use power automate to update bpf stage of related opportunities based on the change of parent opportunity.
    My example:
    --When stage change on this BPF
    2)Get opportunity related to the changed BPF
    3)Retrieve related partner opportunities related to this opportunity.
    --Format: _lookuplogicname_value
    4)Get BPF of these partner opportunity
    5)Update BPF stage of these related partner opportunities:
    --Populate active stage with value from trigger

    I hope you can mark my answer verified if it answer your question! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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