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Company specific cost centers as financial dimension values (derived from Operating units?)

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I have a scenario where we are setting up financial dimensions. One financial dimension that requires reporting on is Cost centre. An entity backed financial dimension that is based on Operating units is the go-to for me when we look at department/cost center as part of the accounting structure. 

I am wondering however if it is possible to use this setup if the different legal entities do not share Cost centers, can we somehow limit which financial dimension values should show for each LE?

Example: LE 1 has Cost centre A,B,C. LE 2 has CC X,Y,Z. In LE 1 we should only be able to record transactions on CC A/B/C (if the account structure allows it).

Is there a way to dynamically solve this and somehow apply and org. hierarchy to the account structure? Or is there a way to solve this via the account structures? 

Any tips or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

  • Suggested answer
    BillurSamdancioglu Profile Picture
    BillurSamdancioglu 16,231 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Company specific cost centers as financial dimension values (derived from Operating units?)
    You can create dıfferent account structures and select per company. In thıs case ıssue should have been solved.
  • Suggested answer
    Bharath jain Profile Picture
    Bharath jain 887 on at
    Company specific cost centers as financial dimension values (derived from Operating units?)
    Hi Oskar,

    As per my understanding, you want to create a cost center as a financial dimension with values such as A, B, C, and X, Y, Z, where A, B, C are allowed for LE 1, and X, Y, Z are allowed for LE 2.

    You can achieve this through advanced account structure setup. Create advanced rules where cost center values A, B, C are allowed and link them to the LE 1 account structure. Similarly, create another set of advanced rules where X, Y, Z values are allowed and link them to the LE 2 account structure.

    i have uploaded a video to understand the advance account structure setup, below is the link for the same.


    Bharath Jain

  • ON-16052045-0 Profile Picture
    ON-16052045-0 79 on at
    Company specific cost centers as financial dimension values (derived from Operating units?)
    I won't delete this post as it may offer clarity to others in similar situation but I found the answers in the following post I think it may even have been me asking a similar situation a few years ago. 

    I will copy the answer from André which gave me the insight needed to go about this challenge:

    "1) Create different dimensions for the cost centers per legal entity. You can create e.g. dimensions with the name 'USMF-CC' and 'DEMF-CC' and link them via account structures and the ledger form to each legal entity. To get a friendly name on the forms, you can use the dimension translations.

    2) Convert the numbers to have company specific values in the global table for organization units. E.g. 'USMF-100', 'USMF-101' and 'DEMF-100'. In this scenario, you need to specify via the account structures which values are allowed for each legal entity."

    In our instance I believe a naming convention will solve this. We will still use the operating units so that we can utilize org. hierarchies and we will restrict what is available for posting in each LE by defining which values are allowed for posting in the company specific account structure.

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