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update report design using Electronic Reporting

Posted on by 739
🔍 Exploring Electronic Reporting for Report Rebranding 📊
Hello everyone,
I'm looking into the feasibility of using Electronic Reporting to modify SSRS or standard report designs. This is particularly aimed at streamlining the rebranding of reports, a process that often arises repeatedly at the request of our customers. Utilizing Electronic Reporting in this manner could potentially save time by circumventing the need for extensive customization and deployment.
I'd greatly appreciate any insights or experiences you've had in this area!
Thank you,
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 225,985 Super User on at
    update report design using Electronic Reporting
    Electronic reporting and SSRS reports are two completely different things. Yes, both can be used for reporting, but report defined using electronic reporting isn't a report defined in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
    If you want to talk about options to print of electronic reporting, then it has nothing to do with SSRS.
    I already addressed "the possibility of modifying an SSRS report using Electronic reporting". You can use electronic reporting to modify data, but not to change definitions of SSRS report. That's done at design time in Visual Studio, then the report it compiled to RDL and deployed to a report server.
    But you can use electronic reporting instead of SSRS to define a report in GUI.
  • Hisham Alsayed Profile Picture
    Hisham Alsayed 739 on at
    update report design using Electronic Reporting
    Hi Martin,
       I would like to ask you about the possibility of modifying the standard SSRS report "FreeTextInvoice" using Electronic reporting. I have encountered some limitations with the print management, as I cannot print Electronic reporting on screen or PDF as I normally do with standard reports.
    Do you know any solution or workaround for these limitations?
    Kind Regards,
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 225,985 Super User on at
    update report design using Electronic Reporting
    Okay, so we aren't talking about modifying design of SSRS reports anymore?
  • Hisham Alsayed Profile Picture
    Hisham Alsayed 739 on at
    update report design using Electronic Reporting
    Hi Martin Drab,
       I mean electronic reporting (ER) has limitation in Print management setting that is only export in Excel file but we cannot run print the destination to the screen or even export in PDF like SSRS usually run or display.
    It is clear now.
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 225,985 Super User on at
    update report design using Electronic Reporting
    I'm sorry, but it's not clear to me what you have in mind. Please give us more information about what you're doing and about the issue.
  • Hisham Alsayed Profile Picture
    Hisham Alsayed 739 on at
    update report design using Electronic Reporting
    Hi Martin Drab,
    I appreciate your response, but I have found that ER can only make some minor changes to the standard report in my case "FreeTextInvoice" report. However, there are still some limitations to print it on screen or as a PDF file, while it is possible to print it as an Excel file. I don't think this will satisfy the end user's requirements.
    Do you know if this issue has been resolved in any recent platform update?
  • Suggested answer
    Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 225,985 Super User on at
    update report design using Electronic Reporting
    You can use electronic reporting to import data shown in SSRS reports, such as the logo.
    You can also use electronic reporting instead of SSRS reports.
    But you can't use electronic reporting as a development tool changing definition of an SSRS report, compiling the report etc.
  • Hisham Alsayed Profile Picture
    Hisham Alsayed 739 on at
    update report design using Electronic Reporting
    Hi Kevin,
       Thanks for your reply i mean with rebranding the report some change in the format, and design for the report itself mostly the report is standard. if yes, could you share your experience with some examples, and how do you manage it.
    I hope it is clear now.
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    update report design using Electronic Reporting
    Can you elaborate on your needs and what does aim at streamlining the rebranding of reports mean?
    ER tool supports the creation of a custom format that is based on an original format. It also includes capabilities for automatically upgrading the customized format when the original format is changed because of localization/customization requirements. So if the standard features don't suffice for you, you can also customize the report.
    You can check out the official documentation for more help from ER: Electronic reporting (ER) overview - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn.
    Best regards,

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