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Create Customers from an external REST web service

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi everyone,
I am a developer and recently I was asked to do some research on Dynamics 365. Up until now I have read about Entities, Records, plugins, Web API, Web components, etc. I find the documentation quite spread, not deep in what I am looking for, so hopefully someone here can give me a clue about where to start.
I need to work on Customer Engagement, I need somehow add customers from an external REST web service. I found some examples for C# which can do what I need, but they are individual applications that have to be run outside Dynamics 365. Is it possible to have, maybe a kind of button or view within Dynamics 365 where I can asynchronously call an external web service and create customers with the response? Furthermore, I would like to have this process to execute periodically in order to sync with new data (maybe every 2 hours, for example) but I am not sure how to accomplish this.
What I have read about plugins, they are actions that are triggered when user does any action from the CRM such as save, update etc. So I guess this is not an approach.
I appreciate if anyone can give me a clue about this, most of what I have read is just the theory of everything, I need to somehow start with this but honestly not sure where to start, not sure if I have to make an App, a solution, a plugin, or web component...

I appreciate any help given.

  • PabloCRP Profile Picture
    PabloCRP 1,086 on at
    RE: Create Customers from an external REST web service

    Hi, ricardoc0595.
    There are several ways to perform what you want.
    - Create a SSIS
    - You can develop a batch console on C# and schedule it for triggered e.g: every day.
    - Develop a WF or Plugin to do something then Import your Data to the entity.
    - There are some third parties solutions that might help

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