RE: Number Sequence Cache Candidates D365FO
Hi DynamicsAXExplorer,
Could be because of other number sequences that get indirectly used.
At least what happens is that a number sequence is assigning 2459.
First step would be to identify the actual number sequence.
These steps should be carefully executed and you should be careful on taking conclusions, as just finding the number 2459 at a sequence is not enough, since this could be a coincidence, so take all outcomes in proper consideration.
This is a 2 step approach as the number sequence can be generated from two places, the status list or the number sequence itself.
The first step would be looking into the status list to see if any number sequence has the number 2459 in reservation.
To do this go to the tablebrowser for the number sequence status list via adding the URL below (off course change your environment with your actual environment):
In this list the unformatted numbers are listed in the NextRec column, so if a lot of records are present in this table you can filter for 2459. If there are results in here for this number, you can go to the actual number sequence via view details on the NumberSequenceId column. Next you should validate ff this is the actual number sequence that is blocking your process, if so validate if it is really used already and if yes delete it from the status list with <alt+delete> otherwise go to the step below.
For the second step we will go and investigate the next number as it appears on the number sequence, this can be done a little bit easier. Go to Organization Administration --> Number Sequences --> Number Sequences. Click on the next column to filter it and enter 2459. If this is returning results then you should check if the number sequences are the correct ones for your process. If so, then you can modify the next number to 2460 and see if this fixed your issue.
Best regards,