I am seeing some odd behavior from the Reprint Pay Statement report in Dynamics GP 18.2. When printing for some employees, rather than summing a pay code and showing the total for that paycheck (for but the current period and YTD), it is showing all of the separate lines charged to different departments. It at least foots for the current paycheck, but for the YTD, it just duplicates the YTD amount for that pay code as many times as the pay code displays. It doesn't do this for all pay codes, only for one. I know this is built off of temp tables, so I am thinking there must be something in the report function that does this summarization but I am unsure of what I can do to correct the issue.
The image below is a bit blurry, but you can see that the PLT code is repeated 5 times. But the Hourly code is not, even though it also appears 5 times in the transaction history.
Any idea why the report may be doing this?
Thanks for any guidance you can provide
Debbie K.