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MFA for GP18.5 - electronic remittance

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Hi there. 

Hoping if someone can help us out. We recently upgraded to GP 18.5 due to Microsoft shutting down basic authentication. As part of the upgrade process to GP18.5, we have gone through the steps to register the app within our azure tenancy. 

However when we try emailing out remittances through GP, it still looks like it uses the old basic authentication opposed to modern. 


Within GP I can confirm, that modern authentication does appear and accept my MFA prompt via email setup.

Was wondering if anyone has any insight on if there are further steps that we should do for this to work?

  • StefanieC Profile Picture
    StefanieC 434 on at
    RE: MFA for GP18.5 - electronic remittance

    I would follow the article Derek posted.  The way I test the email window without having to run a remittance batch is to have the user go into the settings.  You might have to grant them temporary access to the window.  On the user's computer, have them navigate to Tools - Company - Email Settings then click on Purchasing Series.  When they do that, it should prompt them with the email sign-on.  If it's the old window, then you still have a problem.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: MFA for GP18.5 - electronic remittance

    If you can email the Trial Balance and/or User reports via Modern Auth, getting the 'Sign In To Your Account' windows and those emails are successfully sent and received without any errors or issues, then yes, it would appear Modern Auth is enabled and working fine in that GP company.

    For the EFT Remittances, I'd recommend the following article:

    If they still don't work, then we'd probably need a support case opened, to look at the reports with an engineer.

    Thank you,

  • e123 Profile Picture
    e123 5 on at
    RE: MFA for GP18.5 - electronic remittance

    Hi Stefanie.

    Yes. App ID has been setup in the Company Email Setup properties. I did another test run via the Trial Balance Report, and was able to send myself the report via .html format:

    Based off the dynamics forum, as I've received the trial balance report, this confirms that emailing via GP with MFA enabled does work?

    If it does, then is there supposed to be a different method to emailing the remittances that my user has indicated? As if we try to do so, it continues to bring up the basic authentication window. 

  • StefanieC Profile Picture
    StefanieC 434 on at
  • e123 Profile Picture
    e123 5 on at
    RE: MFA for GP18.5 - electronic remittance

    Hi Derek.

    Thank you for your reply. I've gone through the steps that you've included.

    On both the Financial Balance and User Report, I successfully received both emails via GP. With both reports set as .html format.

    However if I repeat the steps indicated by my user to print remittances:

    Purchasing > Transactions > DC ELec Remittance (as there is already a test batch here)

    Select a Batch ID. Select Electronic Remittances. Then select Process.

    I don't see what your illustrated steps should present. Instead I am presented with the basic authentication login.

    We also don't see the email options, and email button as well.

    Are we supposed to do something different here for remittances to be sent via modern authentication?

  • e123 Profile Picture
    e123 5 on at
    RE: MFA for GP18.5 - electronic remittance

    Hi Derek.

    Thank you for your reply. I've gone through the steps that you've included.

    On both the Financial Balance and User Report, I successfully received both emails via GP. With both reports set as .html format.

    However if I repeat the steps indicated by my user to print remittances:

    Purchasing > Transactions > DC ELec Remittance (as there is already a test batch here)

    Select a Batch ID. Select Electronic Remittances. Then select Process.

    I don't see what your illustrated steps should present. Instead I am presented with the basic authentication login.

    We also don't see the email options, and email button as well.

    Are we supposed to do something different here for remittances to be sent via modern authentication?

  • Suggested answer
    RE: MFA for GP18.5 - electronic remittance

    If you're still seeing the old Exchange Log On window, then Modern Authentication is not enabled/configured correctly in GP.

    To verify, are you able to successfully email either of the following, seeing the 'Sign In To Your Account' windows and not 'Exchange Log On'?

    >> Financial Trial Balance

     1. Click on Financial > Reports > Trial Balance

     2. In the report window that opens, select a report such as 'Summary' and then highlight the report option such as 'demo' and click Modify.

     3. In the report options window, click the 'E-mail Options' button and it should prompt with the 'Sign in to your account' windows for your modern auth credentials.

     4. In the email options window that will open after authentication is successful, add your email address in the TO: field. Click OK to save changes.

     5. Back in the report options window, select that option again that you just did setup for and then click the 'Email' button in the menu. You should see a Progress/Generating Email window before you receive the email and report attachment.

         The sending email address should be the Exchange credentials entered when prompted in step #4 above.

    >> User Notes report

     1. Click on Administration > Reports > System > Users

     2. In the User Reports window that opens, click 'New...', unless you already have a report option available for use. If you do, jump to step #6.

     3. In the report options window, name the option and then choose a range of user(s) to put into the report and click Insert. Save changes.

     4. Bring up this same report option created and click the 'Email Options' button at the bottom right-hand side of the window.

        **NOTE: You may be presented for your credentials via the 'Sign in to your account' windows, if you haven't already entered them in this GP session.**

     5. In the 'Email Options' window, put your email address in the 'TO...' field, to send the email to, click OK to save changes. Close the User Report Options window.

     6. Back in the User Reports window, select this report option and click Insert.

     7. Highlight this report option and click the 'Email' button in the menu across the top of this window. You may briefly see a progress window open and close.

     8. Verify you receive this email that was just sent. It may take a couple of minutes.

    If you cannot email either of these two reports or you're still seeing 'Exchange Log On' windows, then Modern Auth is not configured correctly, and you'll want to double-check that setup.


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