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How to get lookup field Name in SSRS report

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I have 3 entities, say A, B and C, both B & C are child records (1-N) of A. Entity B has fields looking up to both A(regardingid) and C. In my SSRS i am meant to check in my B Table if C is equals to a particular/specific type of record name, then tick a box. My problem now is, how do i do if (c== "name string" or even an Id). My Fetchxml is below :

<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">
<entity name="B" enableprefiltering="1">
<attribute name="Bid" />
<attribute name="name" />
<attribute name="createdon" />
<attribute name="rejectionreason" />
<attribute name="decision" />
<attribute name="Aid" />
<attribute name="Cid" />
<order attribute="ukn_name" descending="false" />
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="Aid" operator="eq" value="@AId" />

I am passing @Aid as a paremeter.  Is my fetchXMl wrong here ? , I am currently using this to search entity C in B:

=IIF((Fields!C.Value Like "*The timeline checks and calculations are correct and appropriately evidenced*") AND (decision.Value= "Pass"),chr(254),"o"), but it returns back nothing, with multiple repeating cells. PLease someone with better knowledge help.


  • Suggested answer
    TylerS.Dev Profile Picture
    TylerS.Dev 725 on at
    RE: How to get lookup field Name in SSRS report

    You should download Xrmtoolbox and check your fetchxml statement in fetchxml builder, this will check if your fetxchxml is currectly pulling the result you are looking for.

    I assume your aid is entity a's id.  pulling aid will get you guid of the record instead of the name, if you want to compare name, it should be attribute "Aname", or use "aid" if you are comparing against guid.

    For example, primary contact is a lookup field for owner.

    If you want to check against guid, it should be like

    <condition attribute="ownerid" operator="eq" value="5ddcf667-9c5a-402a-bab9-86cee347b291" />

    If you want to check against name, it should be like

    <condition attribute="owneridname" operator="eq" value="Jack A" />

    Either one will work when you use lookup field as filter condition.

    Please mark as verfied if this resolve your issue.

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